How did you hear/find out about RPGfix?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shriker, Aug 23, 2013.


How did you find out about RPGfix?

  1. Search engine

  2. A friend

  3. Another website had a link

  4. Other

  1. cyclops

    cyclops Fresh Blood

  2. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    I followed a button from a game I was reviewing for another directory. The circle of advertising. :P
  3. I also followed a button from a game that I was advertising on. =] Woohoo!
  4. Phineas

    Phineas Newcomer

    Googled Scrivener and this site came up. Pretty cool.
  5. caity

    caity Newcomer

    I found it through an rpg I was on last year.
  6. Chevu

    Chevu Fresh Blood

    Affiliate ads at the bottom of sites I visited.
  7. Tomofthedead1

    Tomofthedead1 Fresh Blood

    Hey yall, I found out about this place from the RPG site called the Omniverse. It's really amazing, and higher quality than most other playbyposts I've been on. The more you write the stronger you get and yet you never feel useless as a new player. Again really great site, please check it out! If you do decide to join mention Thor recommended you on your joining post, it will help me in my journey as the Thunder God!
  8. Demicafatali

    Demicafatali Resident Game Owner

    The link on the RPG Advertising page
  9. Rumham

    Rumham Newcomer

    Pretty sure I saw a link to it on a roleplay tumblr. If not, I definitely recognize the name from twitter.
  10. Antares

    Antares Newcomer Game Owner

    I found out from a friend from BravoFleet
  11. Echo

    Echo Fresh Blood

    Genetic Drift has a link to here.
  12. allybear2001

    allybear2001 Newcomer Game Owner

    I just typed in rpg directories and yours was second :D
  13. midorialexandros

    midorialexandros Newcomer Game Owner

  14. I found this site because another site that I'm a member of had a link to it. Seemed interesting, so here I am.
  15. TF72CO

    TF72CO Newcomer

    I used a google search and there you were.
  16. Antares

    Antares Newcomer Game Owner

    Found out from a friend of mine. Never heard of you guys before :) I sorta dig the way you have to be a part of the community to share your game. Keeps people from just mooching your service and gives them a reason to come back :) It's awesome.
  17. TF72CO

    TF72CO Newcomer

    I agree, smart thinking.
  18. Wolfie

    Wolfie Newcomer Game Owner

    I actually can't exactly remember how I found out. I'm pretty sure it was from a friend in Bravo Fleet like Aaron, but I've always seen this site linked on other sites and I've had it in my bookmarks for a while. Never really bothered to sign up and participate until now. :)
  19. FifthSanctum

    FifthSanctum Fresh Blood

    Friend told me!
  20. Hiraeth

    Hiraeth Fresh Blood

    found it from a quick google search upon trying to garner publicity for an rp site i belong to!