
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Eon Saverem, Apr 5, 2016.

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  1. So Hello! I've just recently started trying out forums. I feel like many of you understand the format and how things work and I'm finding it fascinating. Might sound silly, but after so many years this becomes foreign to some! haha
    VarnishedTruths likes this.
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hey there and welcome to RPGFix :)
  3. Thanks for the welcome
  4. Rumham

    Rumham Newcomer

    I'm making the switch back to forums rp for the first time in a very long time, so I feel you on the platform switch! What sorts of rp are you into? Any canons you really like, or are you an OC/OU person?
  5. So I've been a long time D&D player. I've enjoyed renfair rp, and have even dabbled some LARP. Please help me out and explain what a OC/OU is, I'm going to guess Original Character and Original Universe? If so I am a huge fan of both. What kind of Canons are you into?
  6. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    OC is Original Character. OU might be Original Universe, or might be a typo for AU which is Alternate Universe (take a canon character and change something up about them; make a boy a girl, make a girl a lesbian, turn everyone into animals, that sort of thing).

    Which edition of D&D do you favor? I'm a bit old-school, I still play 3.5 myself.
  7. 3.5 for life haha. Though I do enjoy Pathfinder (aka 3.75) and I'd like to try out 5.0 at least once. Heard that was like a mix between 3.5 and Advanced (2.0).

    As for RPing I really enjoy creating an OC and slipping them into a Cannon I enjoy. Like my DBZ character, Dorian, shows up looking like he shopped at Hot-Topic in the 90s at the World Torn. When Uub is introduced and while Goku goes off with Uub, Dorian is trained by Vegeta. Stuff like that.
    VarnishedTruths likes this.
  8. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    Ah, cool. So many canons have corners the authors will never get to. It can be fun filling them in. :)

    I remember the 90s Hot Topic look. Poor sod. :P
    Eon Saverem likes this.
  9. Lol, Gotta have those Goth Tripp pants haha
    VarnishedTruths likes this.
  10. VarnishedTruths

    VarnishedTruths Resident Game Owner

    And the blacker-than-black nail polish.
  11. Chains and zippers... so many unnecessary chains and zippers
    VarnishedTruths likes this.
  12. allybear2001

    allybear2001 Newcomer Game Owner

    Heya! I am just now getting into forums from using Boards2Go sites so it is a def. change for me too but it takes time to learn new things anyways
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