Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    104 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    96 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. TSN

    TSN Newcomer

    English Breakfast tea all the way!
  2. SolarisGuru

    SolarisGuru Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee, I work in IT and I practically live off of it.
  3. Star Army

    Star Army Resident Game Owner

    Tea. It's traditional and historic. It's classy. It's good. There's so much choice involved, from the paraphernalia to the types of tea and sweeteners.

    Here's how I typically take tea:
    • Served in a clear glass teapot made in Japan (they make great dishes)
    • Loose leaf tea from the Charleston Tea Plantation, the only tea plantation in the USA (and Charleston is a very important place in my life)
    • Locally sourced Georgia blackberry honey, or sometimes sugar cubes (brown sugar cubes are best)
    • Serving tray with the teapot, saucer, sugar jar, milk container, sugar spoon, stirring spoon, 2 folded napkins (one for the wet stirring spoon and one for me). It's like some modern version of something out of Downton Abbey.
    • Sip steaming tea from my clear glass teacup and relax.
    Coffee just doesn't taste as good to me, and I only really had it regularly when I worked in a hotel or on Army reserve weekends. And I lived in Italy where you can get some pretty good coffee. It's not that I think less of coffee, it's just tea suits me more.
  4. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee, it's the only thing that gets me up and moving
  5. Coffeeee. It doesn't actually keep me awake. In fact, if I drink to much it puts me to sleep. Lol. I just have a serious caffeine addiction.
  6. GDStaff

    GDStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee, but I need the coffee to be super milky or sweet. Iced coffee is actually my favorite. So maybe I should have picked "water?" XD
  7. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee. All the way.

    I mean really, I need both and I tend to have a cup of tea first thing to get me up (easier to make) and then I chug coffee like crazy to stay awake...
  8. Death Kitten

    Death Kitten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game Owner

    I've developed a reputation at work. Everyone else drinks the brown rocket fuel my bosses call coffee, and I have loose leaf in multiple blends, a tea ball, and buy my honey by the large tub. It's so bad that when one of our vendors gave us a tea sampler at Christmas, everyone else watched my reaction to it before they'd even try it... And the whole sad mess was shoved into a cabinet mostly untouched a week later.
    Star Army likes this.
  9. ExodusRising

    ExodusRising Newcomer Game Owner

    Coffee, without question. I grew up loving tea and I still do, but there is just something about coffee that tea just can't match up to.
  10. Tessatore

    Tessatore Newcomer


    According to a doctor I consulted a long time ago, I have a 'paradoxical effect' to caffeine where it puts me to sleep. No energy rush, no crash, just... straight to dreamland.

    I also am not affected by Benadryl, oddly.
  11. SakuraCh4n

    SakuraCh4n Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm totally a coffee person. I mean don't get me wrong, I love to drink tea as well, specially in cold weather but I simply cannot live without my daily dose of coffee :P
  12. Trisfinn

    Trisfinn Newcomer

    Both. Both are good. I like coffee first thing in the morning, then tea and/or water once the coffee kickstarted my brain. Voted coffee since I go with that first -shrug-
  13. Archaeon

    Archaeon Resident Game Owner

    Tea. As a Brit I feel I ought to be making a stand for tea. But honestly, I’ve spent too much time travelling across Europe to have not developed a taste for good, strong coffee. So, I shall be sitting firmly on the fence with this one. Coffee in the morning and espresso after dinner. Tea the rest of the time. And it has to be good tea. And the hot variety! Despite my American friends best efforts to convince me that putting ice and a bag of sugar in weak black tea is a good thing. It’s not, nor shall it ever be. It’s a culinary travesty. But to each their own.
  14. Death Kitten

    Death Kitten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game Owner

    Southern style sweet tea isn't tea, it's colored sugar water made with liptons that resembles tea about as much as a dog is a cat. I will still drink it sometimes, because I have a sweet tooth that'll kill me, but there are no delusion about what it is I'm drinking.

    That said, good iced tea can be made, where you can actually taste the flavor of the tea. You have to really really strong brew your tea, and I've been told by people that I brew it too strong. An ex even watered down my efforts one time.
  15. Chris Trips

    Chris Trips Newcomer

  16. refelian

    refelian Batman

    As a Brit, it has to be tea, always tea. Earl Grey is wonderful or pretty much anything from a loose leaf tea shop in Covent Garden!
  17. Death Kitten

    Death Kitten Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Game Owner

    Or the Hot Cinnamon Spice from Harney & Sons (an American tea company). ^_~
  18. Poufkin

    Poufkin Newcomer Game Owner

    I go both ways, but def more tea.
  19. Annastasia

    Annastasia Newcomer

    Coffee for me. I blame my parents honestly, since I do love some teas, I still drink coffee out of my neverending craving for Starbucks lol
  20. circe

    circe Newcomer Game Owner

    Bonafide tea drinker. Never had the palate for coffee! Love the smell but can't get past the bitterness