Who would voice your character(s)?

Discussion in 'Character Development' started by Shriker, Oct 18, 2014.

  1. I'm just like this, right down to the occasional singing voice PB. Although I must say, I've never come up with a flattering singing voice for any of my characters. Apparently, I'm only amused by casting the tone deaf ones.

    Most of the time, I don't know what my face claims sound like, or they don't even have a voice. I guess that makes it a lot easier to come up with my own ideas.
  2. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

    I would voice my own characters, mostly because the reply's and such I do with my characters is some form of my voice, and because I do a variety of voices for jokes or animation ideas.
  3. Kieran

    Kieran Resident Game Owner

    If I wasn't using play-bys I might not even think of the voices unless it was supposed to be somehow unique-ish voice, think Michael Jackson type..But as I do use play-bys I kind of like attaching a voice along with the face & body. :)

    I just imagine them having the voice their play-by has - never in my 12+ years have I found a play-by whose voice wouldn't fit the character the same as their looks. Yet I never think of it when choosing a PB, as their appearence and clothing style is by far the more important aspect to me.
  4. europeanlass

    europeanlass Newcomer Game Owner

    I use the voice of the FC I choose for the character, or sometimes the voice of a char from some series, maybe the one a character is inspired by, etc
  5. Annastasia

    Annastasia Newcomer

  6. Poufkin

    Poufkin Newcomer Game Owner

    I play with people who somehow always find great voice playbys and I am always jealous. I have yet to find any matches for any of my characters!
  7. ExodusRising

    ExodusRising Newcomer Game Owner

    I normally don't voice cast my characters, but I have one in particular that I did. He would either be voiced by Ville Vallo or T.O.P. they both have that superbly deep voice I just picture him having.
  8. Wolfie

    Wolfie Newcomer Game Owner

    When I create a character, always start off with an idea of who I want and then build it up to a picture. To me, the voice isn't as important as the character's appearance, but every single one of my characters has an actor behind it so the voice behind those characters would be from the actor.
  9. Chay

    Chay Newcomer Game Owner

    My character, Gaerrick, in one of my roleplays right now is honestly personified vocally by Joseph Morgan. That sarcastic tone and sense of arrogance fits just right.
  10. Wyman

    Wyman Newcomer Game Owner

    My GM character would probably be... Tom Hiddleston without his accent. Hadn't given it much thought until now. But one of my other characters is utterly James Spader. Specifically from when he was on Boston Legal.
  11. Applewood

    Applewood Newcomer

    I don't normally think about this kind of thing, though this topic was brought up on a topic in a fleet forum last year, and I like to think about it often now. It helps develop how a character should speak, in head.

    Of my current characters, L'sa Blue Fern is definitely voiced by her FC(Katy Perry, compliments of the owner of RPG-Hosting.com), though my other 2 definitely don't.

    T'vana I hear voiced by the actress who voiced Phoebe Buffet on Friends(FC-Kiera Knightley, compliments of Scifiavatars.com), and my Commanding Officer character, Commander Alexis Applewood (FC- Wen Ming, also compliments Scifiavatars), I hear voiced as Kiera Knightley's British accent from Pirates of the Carribean.

    I have greatly enjoyed adopting this character building technique; it makes writing sample posts a lot more fun when you can more or less 'hear' the character speaking their lines.
  12. Wyman

    Wyman Newcomer Game Owner

    Lisa Kudrow.
  13. TheDemonDoors
    Anime Lover

    TheDemonDoors Newcomer Game Owner

    Tbh, I sort of... Don't have voices? If they're canons, they have voices but otherwise, I can't match a voice to a face. It's just... Mind-boggling.
  14. Waug

    Waug Newcomer Game Owner

    I usually use play-bys but when I don't sometimes I think about stuff like video game voice actors that might fit the bill. I have a drow character that totally has Gideon Emery's voice for me. <3
  15. europeanlass

    europeanlass Newcomer Game Owner

    I said it.
    Her voice is just... @o@ Gorgeous
  16. Swoopingjobberknolls

    Swoopingjobberknolls Newcomer Game Owner

    I had a Hogwarts Professor that people told me they imagined everything he (or I OOC) said in Sean Connery's voice. I was immensely pleased by this.
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