How many RPG mediums have you tried so far?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Shriker, Sep 1, 2014.


How many RPG mediums have you tried so far?

  1. Pen & Paper (D&D, GURPS, etc.)

  2. Live Action Roleplaying (LARP)

  3. Play-by-Post / Chat / PBeM

  4. Console Game (PlayStation, Xbox, Wii, etc.)

  5. Computer Game (Steam, MMOs, WoW, Eve, etc.)

  6. Mobile / Tablet

  7. Board Game

  8. Trading Card Game (MtG, etc.)

  9. Other

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. I've done mostly text-based forum RP but I also play quite a few JRPGs so I guess that'd be two. :P
  2. DJVoxel

    DJVoxel Newcomer Game Owner

    I've done D&D, MtG, Chatbox, and forum.
  3. PsySneks

    PsySneks Newcomer Game Owner

    I have done literally everything except LARPing... Hey who wants to meet up at a park and beat each other with lightsabers?
    jk, I know its more than that.
  4. Archaeon

    Archaeon Resident Game Owner

    I started off with pen & paper before progressing to PBeM. I do miss the level of collaboration you got with some PBeMs, though the likes of meetingwords has opened it up in a wholly new way. Forums and chatrooms came next - although I was never a huge fan or RPing over chat. All the while computer and console games ruled my free time. I grew up with consoles. I knew how to work the Atari before I knew my alphabet!
  5. Kieran

    Kieran Resident Game Owner

    Play-by-Post/Chat, for the longest.

    Console Games and Computer Games, only occasionally. I mean, I play them a lot in general - just not that many RPGs appeal to me.

    And board games I also love, but I think the only board RPG I've ever played is The Lord of the RIngs board game. We used to have Hero Quest which my brothers always played, but I was so much younger that I'd rather play with the tiny rats and goblins that came with it.

    No other RPG medium interests me enough to really try.
  6. GDStaff

    GDStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    I've only tried forum-based and chat-based roleplay. I'd love to try more. My heart is really set on trying tabletop at some point, since there are so many interesting games out there and I feel it would be a great experience. I just need to set aside the time to make it happen.
  7. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    I absolutely adore any RPG console/computer game... My latest obsession is Dragon Age Inquisition there... Apart from that I'm in a Pathfinder tabletop group which hasn't met again in way too long (I'm a little half-elf who worships the God of Wine with my pet Dinosaur), and then I'm on 3 forum-based RPGs. I don't write much on one anymore, but I'm trying to get back into the others (damn real life)
  8. saintarchangel

    saintarchangel Newcomer Game Owner

    chat and forum mainly, but ive recently come to love dnd, especially homebrew settings... its excellent, and i love how people just have to have their characters to fail sometimes when you get a bad roll, ha!
  9. TakodaVega
    Caffeine Fix

    TakodaVega Newcomer

    Uhhh I've done about everything on the list at one point or another in my roleplay career :) But you always should experiment and see what works best for you!
  10. ScottRyder

    ScottRyder Newcomer Game Owner

    I've tried D&D, loved it! Not in any games atm but plan to put aside some more time to commit to that! Games and forum roleplaying take up most of my time right now.
  11. BritAlyQN

    BritAlyQN Newcomer

    I started out in chat rooms than did forums. Eventually I moved to DA, which is great if your trying to find new styles, but they don't have many advanced people on there that check off all my "Want" boxes in a partner. That's why I'm here. I briefly did a Star Wars paper and dice one.
  12. WCARPG

    WCARPG Newcomer

    I started out like everyone else in forums, it seems, and branched out to 1x1 posts on chat services and file-sharing sites like google docs--I still have some of those old documents with hundreds of pages of RP saved forever!!! I've played D&D and I love it, but its a lot different than freeform RP, I think. I also enjoy RP in games--multiplayer servers that require RP via in-game mechanics are just ♥♥♥

    Something I didn't really see here were MUDs, either. I love MUDs, even though they're old as heck. There's just something about the marriage of text-based RP and game mechanics that does it for me. The communities are getting pretty small, though, for the non-freeform ones.
  13. Gibson

    Gibson Newcomer Game Owner

    I started off technically with PBeM but didn't stick with that for too long. I moved on to chats for quite a while, and later forums. I played pen and paper intermittently throughout with friends. I tried RPing in an MMO (SWTOR) briefly, but I found it pretty difficult.
  14. EliJenkin

    EliJenkin Newcomer

    I'd definitely say that my favorite form of RP is site-based due to the ability to essentially write a story for your character more than anything else.
  15. MagicMike

    MagicMike Newcomer

    I've done a bunch on the list but nowadays I'm curious about how the Discord rps work. Right now I'm not really feeling it and believe me, I've tried a few already.
  16. Ahnkella

    Ahnkella Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums and Live chatroleplays as well as discord. Forums wins for me.
  17. Legends Are Lessons

    Legends Are Lessons Newcomer Game Owner

    A few!

    Game, RP and a small touch of D and D. My fav D and D NPC was basically an Old Greg character.
  18. Waug

    Waug Newcomer Game Owner

    Forums are great if you like writing, but some folks can create great characters via chat and other more IM style messaging. I have done and still do forums and discord rp. DnD is also a great platform.
  19. StarWarsGC

    StarWarsGC Newcomer

    Habbo Hotel and its emulators. Space station 13 - but most of my experience comes from Post-by-Post writing on forum boards.
  20. zhenya

    zhenya Fresh Blood

    play-by-post rpgs have always been my choice but i do love mmos too! i have not yet found the confidence to try any kind of "live" roleplay