TV T.V. Shows

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Zack Heights, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. DJVoxel

    DJVoxel Newcomer Game Owner

  2. I have to say I love Arrow, PLL, OUAT and The Flash lately!
    Really looking forward to Legends of Tomorrow
  3. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    Sadly I don't watch much tv anymore aside from watching anime. I went on a binge of watching Batman Beyond the other night though.
  4. I am utterly obsessed with Reign, The Walking Dead, Z Nation, and Bitten. I also am a big Teen Wolf Fan, The Originals, and The Vampire Diaries, but those last three I'm not even remotely caught up on and am watching very slowly.
  5. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    At the moment I'm a total sucker for The 100, How to Get Away with Murder, It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and the development of the Gilmore Girls Revival :D
  6. SakuraCh4n

    SakuraCh4n Newcomer Game Owner

    BSG IS LIFE! And I'm always so pleased when I see fans of that TV show! I would totally recommend it to everyone!
    The Mother likes this.
  7. hoangjonh

    hoangjonh Newcomer

    NCIS. Why don't it? I usually spend free time to watch it.
  8. Stormhelm Kingdom

    Stormhelm Kingdom Newcomer Game Owner

    Rick and Morty is hysterical, I'm also enjoying the anime Red Data Girl.
  9. LadyLizard

    LadyLizard Newcomer

    I grew up watching Dr Quinn, Medicine Woman, and more recently I watched Leverage all the time with my dad. I also liked the Marvel shows and stuff with plenty of drama and mystery. BBC's Sherlock is another one I like.
  10. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    Stranger Things. Started off slow and I thought I would not like it, but it grew on me. I'm looking forward to the next season of it.
  11. marniewings

    marniewings Newcomer

    Never liked or got into DR WHO. not much for british TV shows---however we do watch ZOO and Ghost of Shepherdstown...along with Ghost Hunters.
  12. Mim

    Mim Resident Game Owner

    I stopped watching regular TV shows when Stargate finished. Haven't found anything I could get into after that. Plus being married now, I'm spending more time talking with hubby than anything else.

    My list thought goes like this in order of favs.

    Stargate SG1
    Stargate Atlantis
    Dark Angel
    Babylon 5
    BSG 2004
    The Mother likes this.
  13. Candi

    Candi Fresh Blood

    I have a few TV shows that I prefer over others though I do like a lot. My most favorite TV Show though is Supernatural. I just love Dean and Castiel (Not as a couple, sorry, I think of them more as brothers). I also like The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, Family Guy (and all it's affiliates, I watch them all) and theWalking Dead. Those are my favorite ones but I do like How I Met Your Mother (even though it is over), Bitten, pretty much any of the comedy ones which I watch every once in awhile. Anyways, I think that's it :)
  14. Jimlock

    Jimlock Newcomer Game Owner

    Doctor Who and Sherlock, hands down. Moffat ruins it one day then saves it the next.
  15. We have a network channel on digital that is giving us some of our favorite shows from the day (ie my day). MASH almost every night with two episodes on an endless cycle. They start from the beginning, go right to the last episode then rewind. My family simply love it. Now we have MacGyver again. Couldn't ask for more.
    Mim and Lure Master like this.
  16. Lure Master

    Lure Master Resident Game Owner

    I love MASH, it is the only series I have ever come across that I can re-watch from the beginning as soon as I finish the last episode. The movie the series was based off was ok, but really pales to the series.
    The Mother likes this.
  17. I feel the same way. Although I must admit I will watch endless repeats of Cut Throat Kitchen. The oirginal MASH, was so so even when it was first released. Yes I remember it.
  18. rhysie

    rhysie Newcomer

    Xena is my ultimate show. Other than that, Buffy, Teen Wolf, Angel, Charmed, Nikita :)
    The Mother likes this.
  19. Charmed was our family favorite while it was on. Especially for me with three daughters of my own.
    Mim likes this.
  20. MNHorus

    MNHorus Resident

    Doctor Who, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow, Sherlock those are just some of the t.v shows.
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