How do you keep track of your threads?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Brittlez, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    When it comes to alts and not having them on the same account how do you manage it? I'm curious to see what everyone else does. I have 18 alts not all have rps going right now but I rp as a Goddess as well so that means I have to be very active on Angela. Though I do like to have some fun outside her.

    That's my list of current rps.. I even have friends helping me keep it up to date but more so because my memory is terrible lol
    Mim likes this.
  2. swaswj

    swaswj Newcomer

    Currently, I only run with one RP, Post Terminus. I'm one of the creators, and as a GM, I'm responsible for overseeing a lot of the overarching plot. Most of the time, players are each doing their own personal plots when I'm not in the driver's seat, though.

    So, working 40 hours a week and planning plot for everyone and writing my own side-stories, one RP is my limit right now. Back when I used to be in tons of different threads at once, though, I actually used Google Docs/Drive. I keep a folder there for my ongoing RPs, and link the doc to the people I'm writing with. As they're updated, they stay on top of the recently-updated list.

    It helps, though, that most of my RPing is in a larger format. We do chapters of 1000 words or more, collabs that often get over 5,000 or 10,000 words. With smaller paragraph posts, I don't really have a method for keeping up.
  3. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    I'm one of the administrators as well on Revaliir so I have to also be on top of things there. As well as updating shops and what not.
  4. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    I am not sure if by "alts" you mean characters or not, but I assume this is what you mean. I have 14 characters only mine, 4 staff-shared characters and I write also for lots of NPCs. Each character has its own subaccount (the 14 of my account, the others of another account which has the password pinned in the staff board for anyone's use). The NPCs have only a generic NPC account which can be used by everybody.

    But I had never problems on managing my characters and posts. I am also the main administrator of my site. I think you should ask more concrete questions in order to find your answers - how do you....?

    About keeping track of threads - I guess the forum per se does it. I always browse the subforums to see where I owe posts, and I start usually with the oldest posts I owe, and I move thread by thread (because in many threads I owe posts for several characters and NPCs). I also try to post every day (there are a few days I don't succeed, but mostly I do). Sometimes only 1-2 posts, usually about 4, record week-ends with over 10 posts/ day.
    Mim likes this.
  5. Kiwixpop

    Kiwixpop Sith Lord Game Owner

    My site has a feature we installed called book marks. It allows our users to have a drop down menu of all their rps at the top where our navigation tabs are. People love it. And our site has an alert system much like this one. So when they get a reply they get an alert. Or if the alerts aren't working, members can tag each other in the posts lol.
    Mim likes this.
  6. Alphas

    Alphas Newcomer

    Maybe you get email notifications?
  7. Our site as notifications, when someone @mentions we know we owe a post
  8. Ciel

    Ciel Newcomer

    I'm a huge advocate for thread trackers - but on the site I'm on now, plots are so fluid and there are SO many ideas I have for certain characters, that I have to include "plot ideas" lists in my trackers, just to remember them all, too! So easily-adjustable trackers are best.
  9. varos

    varos Newcomer

    I personally tend to stick to Proboards, which automatically has a button that notifies you when anyone has posted in a thread you have participated in. On my site we have also added a thread tracker, which can be linked to one's mini-profile so that others can easily check it out.
  10. dlstaff

    dlstaff Newcomer

    I live on the wild side, i rely on my brain to keep track of them. ;)
    Elena likes this.
  11. TheLadyLoki

    TheLadyLoki Newcomer

    My community has a notification system.

    I personally like to keep a chronological list on their Wiki page or Character Bio page.
    Elena likes this.
  12. Kieran

    Kieran Resident Game Owner

    I literally post a tracker topic for each character. By far the most convinient way I could think of while also providing visitors a good way to see what my character has been up to. I think in the beginning, during the first years in early/mid 2000s Trackers weren't in use or common in our country...and I don't remember nor can I see how we managed back then.
    Elena likes this.
  13. Archaeon

    Archaeon Resident Game Owner

    I'm intrigued by the bookmark and notification systems that people have mentioned above.

    Personally, I post a tracker for each character. I make sure to keep it up to date and just work my way through it periodically to check I've not missed anything. I normally try to update the ones owed for the longest time first, thus making sure no one is left waiting on me for too long. Although, I admit it sometimes I sneak in one that the muse is just screaming at me for first!

    I think even if I were to have accesss to notifications I would still encourage people to use a tracker as well. I think they're an excellent way of seeing how active a character is. Also, to allow people to follow character driven plots over time.
  14. Star Army

    Star Army Resident Game Owner

    On my site we only allow one account per player. We use XenForo, like RPGfix does, which has a notification system and @user mentions. The concept of a tracking thread is completely foreign to us. Most users play their characters in one thread for as long as that thread lasts and then move with their group to the next thread. People usually keep a list of their characters (but not their RP threads) on their wiki user page.

    It sounds like our way of doing things is very different than the way other sites do it. The way Star Army is run comes from an "ancient" school of online RP that is related to old Star Trek "simming" groups. Characters tend to join one plot (usually set on a starship) and stay there for as long as they can. Our plots can last for years (mine is over 8 years old). Plots have elaborate wiki articles that list what characters and players are in them and provide a link to their subforum or IC thread. So instead of players keeping track of the characters, I guess it's their game masters (GMs) that track them.
  15. GDStaff

    GDStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    The site I co-admin has a really effective bookmarking system. I can click on my UCP and check which threads have replies, which makes my life so much easier when I have like 8+ characters.
  16. cattigan
    Caffeine Fix

    cattigan Newcomer Game Owner

    We use a notification system, so whenever someone replies to a thread you are 'watching', you get a notification about it. We also have a tracking list of watched threads which helps.. and I implemented a little page on at least 2 of the sites where you can post a link and it'll tell you if you were the last to reply or not.
  17. Bonbon

    Bonbon Fresh Blood

    Notifications are really handy! I love sites that have the @ feature, especially if they also automatically subscribe me to threads I create. Otherwise, I just use my memory - I've been doing it for years, and although I've toyed with trackers and the like, I've never been one to be organised enough to keep them up to date.
  18. Trisfinn

    Trisfinn Newcomer

    I'm currently using a combination plotter and thread tracker in a forum on my site. Once I have a certain amount of threads I usually keep a bookmark folder with the ones I owe posts saved so I can delete them as I go to be certain I've posted in all of them.
  19. caity

    caity Newcomer

    I suppose I use two different methods.

    I have a google docs document where I have links to all of my posts (they're separated by characters, and forums if I'm on more than one). I'll also copy and paste the last reply so I don't have to switch back and forth between windows when I'm working on a reply. I tend to get distracted if I'm constantly switching between tabs... Whoops!

    On top of that, I also keep a thread tracker on whatever forum I'm on. It doubles as a timeline of sorts too, which is nice.
  20. Rumham

    Rumham Newcomer

    My insanely organized friends keep track of their tags via email notifications, which they sort by tags into specific folders. I'm totally envious of that kind of dedication! I'm apparently some kind of out-of-touch grandma who writes everything down on a sticky note on my desk haha
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