The Next Incantation (Discussion)

Discussion in 'Game News & Discussions' started by Cyn, Mar 12, 2015.

  1. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

  2. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

    We've recently passed 1500 registered accounts, although this obviously doesn't reflect the actual member count which is closer to 100+. Still, we're active and still going strong after 11 years!
  3. langleyco

    langleyco Newcomer

    I think I will take a look at this. I have a character who I would dearly like to find a home for.
  4. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

    Wow, it's been awhile since I last checked in here but we are still as active as ever, more than 700 active characters and an ongoing, immersive site wide plot!
    Shriker likes this.
  5. Cyn

    Cyn Newcomer Game Owner

    Does anyone have any questions about us? I'm ready and willing to answer them!