Greeting, You Imaginative Bags of Flesh

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Scoglads, Sep 15, 2015.

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  1. Scoglads

    Scoglads Newcomer

    Hey guys :-)
    I'm Scott. I've been RPing since... I dunno like when I was 12.
    I've run sites, I've helped run sites, I've been a super active member on sites, etc.
    I was on RPG-D for a while and I heard about RPG Fix so I figured I'd check it out!
  2. I am not quite sure if that's a compliment or not but hello! Welcome! It is nice to see new people arriving :P
  3. Scoglads

    Scoglads Newcomer

    It can be both, right? ;-)
  4. RaWolfe

    RaWolfe Resident Game Owner

    Welcome towards RPGFix!
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