Greetings from the great beyond

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by SolemnSiren, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. SolemnSiren

    SolemnSiren Newcomer


    What a lovely place you have here. I'm Solemn Siren, also known as Sky. I have been role playing for over half my life, and am about to open up my very first site. I toe the fantasy and horror line pretty regularly. My favorite poet is Stephen Crane (fantastic, go read some of his work). What else...I am also a tea fanatic. That's me! It's wonderful to be here!
  2. RaWolfe

    RaWolfe Resident Game Owner

    Welcome towards RPGFix!
  3. Greetings and hello! That's redundant but c'est la vie! I am glad to see more new people arriving in and around me. I feel less alone xP
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