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Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by FluffyJellyfish, Sep 2, 2015.

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  1. FluffyJellyfish

    FluffyJellyfish Fresh Blood


    I'm FluffyJellyfish, and I've been RPing for about 17 years now. Mostly in the Dragonriders of Pern fandom, but I also RP a few other fandoms on occasion, as well as regular fantasy and sci-fi.

    I make plushies for a living, and in addition to RPing I also write, draw, and whatever other creative things happen to interest me at the time. I like playing computer games, particularly Skyrim, Pokemon and SWTOR.
  2. RaWolfe

    RaWolfe Resident Game Owner

    Welcome towards RPGFix!
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