Greetings :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by DBane, Aug 8, 2015.

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  1. DBane

    DBane Newcomer

    Hi everyone, really glad to have stumbled upon RPGFIX, such a cool community. I've learned so much from lurking and had a lot of fun reading through the Roleplay content. I figured it was time to sign up and start joining in on the fun.

    A little about me I guess... I'm 24, I live in Canada (Alberta) and I am a hobbyist programmer. I really like working with C#, JS and php (a little)

    I also LOVE pizza and I go to the gym 6 days a week... I guess that's it!
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Howdy and welcome. :)
  3. Rue

    Rue Newcomer

    Hello! nomnomnom pizzaaaa
  4. Pink

    Pink Shiny Little Diamond

    Welcome to the 'fix! Canada ftw! :) Enjoy the site ^_^
  5. Ranuu

    Ranuu Newcomer

    Running our board takes up so much of my time that I don't get to the gym that often. But it's cool to see that someone else is capable of doing it :P maybe I'll stop being so lazy.

  6. DBane

    DBane Newcomer

    Thanks for the warm welcome guys. :) Appreciate it!
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