Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    104 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    96 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. I used to be a majoooor coffee addict, like, think five cups a day. Not the best life choice for somebody with anxiety, though. I'm 100% for tea now, provided it has no sugar in it!
  2. Annelise

    Annelise Newcomer

    Ice coffee? Yes! Hot coffee? Meh
    As for tea, I'm English so my blood is practically tea!
  3. HSJack

    HSJack Newcomer

    I am very British, so you can guess I am a tea person!
  4. Anactoria

    Anactoria Newcomer Game Owner

    I really like both, but I like tea slightly more. If my doctor told me I needed to cut coffee out of my diet, I could do it without too much trouble, but I think I'd suffer massive withdrawal systems if I had to cut out tea.

    I like green teas the best, generally.
  5. Jerichi

    Jerichi Newcomer

    Tea for sure. Coffee is far too bitter for me most of the time.
  6. Rue

    Rue Newcomer

    How is this even a question? TEA
  7. stickpilgrim

    stickpilgrim Newcomer

    Not a big fan of either tbh but definitely tea, it helps when I get sick.
  8. Pink

    Pink Shiny Little Diamond

    I love coffee, I drink it on the regular, I do love me a vanilla chai latte tho :)
  9. RaWolfe

    RaWolfe Resident Game Owner

    I would say both, but I prefer a glass of water up most :)
  10. Ranuu

    Ranuu Newcomer

    I don't drink either all that often. When I worked at Starbucks a couple years back, I got heavily addicted to caffeine, both coffee and tea. I then ran a cafe for a while, and drank even more espresso. But espresso drinks are expensive, and I'm ruined for cheap coffee.

    That being said, Aldi has a keurig dark blend that I think is great.
  11. Clover

    Clover Newcomer

    I would vote for all three. I consume all three all day long, usually alternating between coffee and tea, with a cup of water nearby for consolation. Anyway, I voted for coffee because I like the flavor of it in general, whereas tea can have poor flavors.
  12. pyrogod22

    pyrogod22 Newcomer

    choose water unless coffee milk counts XD
  13. SolemnSiren

    SolemnSiren Newcomer

    Winter white earl grey...Creme earl grey...plain ole' earl grey...Lapsang Souchong...Cherry Blossom...Peppermint...Golden Sunrise...Sencha green...Mango green...I could go on, but my opinion is obviously tea. Don't judge me, I have a tea addiction.
  14. If I want to be soothed and calmed, I find tea works for me. If I want to enjoy the rich, dark aromas and flavours and a jolt of caffeine then it has to be tea!
  15. Nen

    Nen Newcomer

    I drink coffee every day but i'm a huge oolong tea snob. >>;;
  16. I don't really like tea OR Coffee so I decided to go with water, though my preferred drinks would probably be milkshakes or orange juice.
  17. Brittlez

    Brittlez Resident Game Owner

    teaa :)
  18. Hot Tea - English Breakfast tea my favorite
  19. Wyvern1

    Wyvern1 Newcomer

    Not much of a fan of either, I do have more of a preference for cold coffee.
  20. bluejade

    bluejade Newcomer

    wow I didn't know more people liked tea