Want to share our most proud backgrounds?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Etro, May 21, 2015.

  1. Etro

    Etro Newcomer

    I was looking over some of my older characters and still seem to get a good read out of them. I actually feel like I did a rather good job on these from a roleplay I once ran.

    With that I was curious to read other people's creations and work that they are proud of.

    So the first is: Mobobo (Tarutaru Female)


    Until now, for five generations Maloven was known as one of the most powerful black mages to have ever lived hence the family on this note felt as if they had to continue the legacy and not just in any magic but in black magic. It was well – Known that the family was only into black magic after Maloven died yet the dire truth was that no one could successfully succeed him and often even when it came down to the choice of a new “Black Wizard” their family was never chosen. The hopes were falling and even the off branches of the family who came in felt it was time for the main branch to stop until the newest child was born. The reason it seemed this child was special was because of the magic source among the child. It was said she was chosen, special, and harnassed a lot of magic, close to if not more then Maloven ever weilded in his youth. This in itself said by the High Priestess mad the family extremely happy yet the information that she had held was the future. Although as ever high priestess, she was unsure if such things were true but felt the achievement would come none-the-less and their families grateness would return. No one knew how Mobobo's story would unfold...

    Age 1-3: Young and Learning

    It wasn't long after being born when Mobobo was actually learning by the age. Life went by as if it were normal until the age of two when she learned and became to the least of poor in common language which was highly spoken around her family. This was expanded of course as years went by. Nothing else was really taught other then her fondness of dancing by her mother who had the curse of speaking in rhymes at the end. Mobobo had talked in such a way as well which only came later when she begin speaking properly. Originally her parents taught her when they had the time and she herself would often read alone which is obviously quite impressive even for a Tarutaru. This continued until her mother left the mage college to further expand her daughters knowledge upon the world.

    Age 4-5: Home Schooled In Magic

    When her mother came back becoming a mother fulltime, Mobobo began learning how to cook and expand her knowledge in life in general. She expanded her mind to the idealogy of many things. One of which was language. This was an interesting factor seeing that she herself was at an average speaking level already. It was only enhanced when a close family friend who was alive for most of their generation approached them. It was through a request that she learned Vieran and not a request by her mother but herself. The knowledge flowed into her like it did with the common human language yet a little slower and for a good reason to. The age finally hit when Mobobo had to learn the basics of magic. She was excited but noticed everything was black magic. Although untouched black magic never did interest her in the long run. It wasn't long until the tarutaru learned of the seven elements Fire, Earth, Water, Wind, Ice, Dark, Holy and their meaning behind the spells. This continued for many years.

    Age 6-9: Learning her history and the beginning of mage college

    When Mobobo hit the age of six she was on the college level black magic 1 taught by her parents and the nature behind it. It wasn't any secret but as her studies developed so did her personality. She began to become the girl we know today. Her mind was to herself in the right place ambitious, eager and on the right path yet something bothered her as she grew up and that was “Why?”. The word passed through her head during this age as if she were in her teens like a human or other creatures with longer longivity. Yet these whys could be of importance. “Why, Black Magic when there is so much out there? Why does it seem like this family is strictly for the black mages? Why does it feel like I am lacking information or ideas are withheld from me?” and so on. It only came time where Mobobo had her mother take her to Gaia's library where there she read up on the history of her family since Maloven only to finally understand it. The reason it lead to the library was because Mobobo's mother mentioned something about her being a legacy child. She wanted to ask her father but he sadly was never there which in circumstances she stopped caring about him sadly. After reading up on her history she wasn't quite sure of what she believed in and if in truth she probably believes what she currently does now. It wasn't long until the white wizard suddenly approached the family only recognize Mobobo. In a way the white wizard feared her but was amazed none the less due to her incredible mind. It wasn't long after conversing for quite some time that the madam known as “Lady Bell” decided in their best interest to enroll Mobobo into Gaia's college. Normally Taru's join the college at fifteen but the proof that the woman had was undeniable especially when she was basically seeing a legacy child of the great sorcerer with such an amazing mindset. Mobobo obviously accepted and attended the semester after the current. It was at the age of eight when she stepped into the large college yet even then and after that explanation she had something in the back of her mind that just wasn't letting go. “A legacy child” she couldn't stand being called that yet didn't express it until it was too late...

    Age 10-12: Black Magic, I refuse it!

    When Mobobo hit the age of ten, It came of age when her mother had began to come down ill from old age. She was nearly to the end and Mobobo constantly had to cut a few classes to tend to her at times. The tarutaru could barely stand and the first time in a long time her father returned to aid his wife. Mobobo couldn't help but yell at him. It was at this point when she broke the habbit of rhyming at the end of her sentences. The reason for yelling was because he never visited and such. The father had an excuse yet the argument continued until her mother stopped it. It was then when she finally got mad at her mother from being explained that he was doing It to make things easier, knowing she was the legacy child. This was the last straw. After an argument facing her parents she had enough and left saying “I am no legacy... I am Mobobo, your child... If you want a legend then keep your eyes open as I.. Reject black magic”. This did not make her parents happy at all and eventually came to Mobobo leaving her household to live among Gaia and it was then that she confronted Lady Bell asking her to personally train her to be a white mage. Though she wondered in her mind why she was doing this... It also struck an interest to see the one of maloven's blood going white mage then black. It made her incredibly curious so she accepted taking her in as a pupil and being her mentor and trainer. In addition to many of the staffs attention they were very surprised by this change seeing Mobobo taking classes in the art of White Magic which all came to how the child rewrote her own legacy.

    Age 13-16: Overcoming the art of white magic and her legacy rewritten!

    It had been a few months and over those months Mobobo had grown older being thirteen. The tarutaru didn't bother to see her parents because she figured they wouldn't be happy of her achievements regardless. The taru had been astounding as she learned the ways of white magics. It wasn't long until her intense magic was showing. Only the wizards noticed this but never spoke of it. They called her a legacy of her own kind but kept it from her so she wouldn't get too angry. It came to be three years later of incredible training that Mobobo had learned the art of white magic and became quite accustom to it. She then graduated among this very time from showing such knowledge and ability.
  2. Etro

    Etro Newcomer

    Age 20: I'm a professor

    It had been four years since graduation yet that wasn't where her studies ended and that much was obvious. Cloistering herself often for days to enhance her white magic beyond limit. The tarutaru only came out to get sunlight and eat. On occasion she would also go meet up with the white wizard for Vidarian tea which was always pleasant. It always interested her but she did wonder how her rents were time to time... Her mother only visited her once a month if not two and often the meetings were brief only to say come “home and lie” in the true meaning behind it. It was obvious at this point though that Mobobo considered herself a woman and at that point she believed it to be true from seven years ago. She had no reason to go back them since she had what she wanted and was accepted for it and to her knowledge at least wasn't being seen as a legacy.

    It had finally came the time when Mobobo was given the access and job of being the professor of White Art or at least one of them. Her life was rather calm until word came in when her parents have died. It was said that they had been trying to contact her for awhile about the situation since the father passed but nothing came in. Interestingly she was kind of sad but she treated it as a passing moment for what they nearly made her go through against her will. The white wizard confronted her about it but she claimed that “They were only the stepping stool of my real potential...” other then that classes were taught strict and even in live demonstration Mobobo was quite fearsome.

    Age 21-25: I'm also a mentor

    As classes moved along an interesting student came along. Her name was Impa as a Roegadyn she registered to go among the path of a white mage which was rare for her people but possible. It came to be quite an interesting sight especially when Impa watched and studied her teacher constantly. It wasn't long until personally the roegadyn asked Mobobo if she could have her as a mentor and be her apprentice. Mobobo accepted only because of her determination and the two studied with each other or more like she taught Impa most of what she knew but there was much wiser things in mind that she never revealed not even to the white wizard herself. It wasn't until five years later when they had to go a little bit of separated ways just due to the fact of the next big event to happen.

    Age 26: The event of history (Becoming the White Wizard)

    Everything was going ok for the Tarutaru, She and her mentor were discovering new ideals of the life stream yet life began to feel so repetetive as if there was more out there for her. Little did the taru know there was and it wasn't good news either. Being nearly over half her lifespan and considering herself getting too old was the beginning yet that was only minor. What was major however was the fact that word came to her bearing grim news. Her mentor had died and that very mentor was the white wizard herself. This was devastating which caused her to cloister herself for the rest of the day after a funeral. When time came her apprentice had helped her get things straight yet it was still unsettling knowing the one she looked up to for nearly half her life was suddenly gone... This only made her think of her parents to and to an extent she felt bad not having the same amount of care for them as she did for the white wizard. Days were long but it slowly began to come together after awhile.

    During the months of loneliness excluding the attention of her pupil and only a few classmates who tried to comfort her which often was denied at times because she didn't need it the council had been rather on edge as they suddenly noticed the letter that was directed to Mobobo herself. It was during a class she was teaching in Gaia that the famous wizards approached her personally which they themselves were naturally a sight to lay eyes on and if they approach its serious business. They made Mobobo follow them to the council room presenting the letter itself. Mobobo was amazed by its content as basically gave the proposal to be the next “White Wizard”. Although hesitant at first she did accept the task and days if not months later the word had spread to nearly everyone in Celnaria mostly to mages. Her role was much more serious yet to her standings she did understand and only wanted to succeed her mentor who sat in this position before her.

    Age 28-32: A White Wizard no longer!

    Life went on and she did her task as a White Wizard, making new ordered laws on magic, dealing with diplomacy among the nations, taking action for what needed to be done. It was by this point when Mobobo had become seen as a leader more then a White Wizard and at this point she definitely succeeded if not completely overrule the position. Her apprentice, Impa had taken her position of professor of white arts which made her happy yet at the same time this often broke most of their communication due to Mobobo being busied. It wasn't til later on that her views became independent and her mindset came clear. She wasn't happy in Vidaria anymore yet the robes she wore represented her and she felt warm among them yet that aside she began to get less and less happy.

    Surprisingly holding such power Mobobo used it for her own good in going deeper into parts of history and at one point decided to revisit it by a spell the Black Mages used which was limited of course. The part in which she had visited was when she herself met Maloven. They discussed the her present and the future to come of the world which of course the part of history was erased when she disappeared to return to the present. What was discussed was the truth behind the legacy. Although Mobobo wasn't truly interested in anymore she did really want to know the secrets in what really occurred back then. What she found out was that Maloven himself felt as if he was basically a weapon and a tool. He had been given praise much later yet in his present time it was nothing more then a simple draft issue. In this point of the event it was also revealed that the foe was Odin and that he himself saw Odin escape through the “void” which in Mobobo's mind was a portal. With this information Mobobo had returned yet did not speak of anything. In fact, even the council had been brought to attention of Mobobo's actions. It made her mad when the phrase that she was a new legacy came out. With that Mobobo smirked writing a resignation yet also promoted immediately through a letter that Impa was the new White Wizard. The two would have banished or outcasted Mobobo but they believed that in the time travel something else occurred in her mind and she needed the rest of her life to find out what it was... Impa however did not and often disliked the idea behind it. She even argued against it at first but ended up taking the position. Outside she said it was because she wanted to be better then Mobobo yet inside it was only because Mobobo had asked it personally and she considers her to be her mentor in heart.

    Age 32 – Present: Ambitions to fulfill...

    Mobobo now travels Celnaria looking for answers and exploring what is out there. It is notable that she has returned to Vidaria and Gaia on minor occassions but finds herself going to the libraries of Gaia. As of now word has gotten out of Mobobo's resignation and many people wonder why. At the same time everyone is wonder where the Tarutaru has gone since then. Only in Vidaria does anyone recognize her. If you're not one who is important then you probably wouldn't. Mobobo however is not afraid to say her name in public so if people should hear it, they may just be surprised.
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