Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by ziggyest, Mar 25, 2015.

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  1. ziggyest

    ziggyest Newcomer

    Hello I am Ziggy ^^

    Let's see fandom wise I love The Walking Dead, Doctor Who, Torchwood, Teen Wolf, Star Wars, StarTrek (I know, I like both how can that be? It is a travesty), How to get away with Murder, Empire, Glee and a bunch of other shows too. I love Tamora Pierce books and of course Harry Potter. I'm a huge Michael Crichton fan as well.

    I am 23 years old and am getting ready to go to Law School (le gulp) but life is pretty good right now. XD
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hi there @ziggyest! Welcome! What's your favourite Michael Crichton book? I've read quite a few of them. :)
  3. PegasusFleet

    PegasusFleet Newcomer Game Owner

    Hi @ziggyest. From one newbie to another- welcome along! And don't worry- I like Star Wars and Star Trek too. :P
  4. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Welcome! Impressive list ya got there, it's good to have wide and varied tastes! Personally I always liked the book version of 'Sphere, yet another instance where the book is better than the movie
  5. ziggyest

    ziggyest Newcomer

    I loved the book and the movie versions of Sphere. My favorite Michael Crichton book though is definitely Timeline. Thank you for all the welcomes! <3
  6. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    I haven't read that one. For shame... :P
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