Hi :)

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by amarettosuicide, Mar 6, 2015.

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  1. Hi everyone. I'm Amaretto. I've been gaming for basically as long as I can remember. (Second gen geek. My dad taught me to read using X-Men comics and math using aD&D.) I play console games, tabletop games, forum games, pretty much if it's a game I'm willing to give it a shot.

    I write and draw, when I have time. Currently Halo is taking up the little bit of spare time I have, because it's my current phase lol.

    I'm happy to meet all of you! I look forward to chatting with all you :)
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome to RPGfix!

    Ooh, tell me about the tabletop games that you've played! I'm just about to start a Shadowrun campaign and it has me all excited.
  3. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    I would love to be able to draw but can only do a Sunday-comics effort at best. Which do you find harder?
  4. I do pixel drawing myself. But I do it while playing video games and stoned so welcome to the club and have some fun ;)
  5. Twygg

    Twygg Newcomer

    Lol, nice to meet you, too! I wish I still enjoyed drawing enough to get better at it. It sucks what two years of not practicing can do to your skills :s
    Maybe if someone taught me math with D&D, I wouldn't be so terrible at it, lol. I'm kind of jealous.
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