"Flakey" Members

Discussion in 'Management' started by moosetracks114, Dec 15, 2013.

  1. ranranbolly

    ranranbolly Fresh Blood

    I've had a few older members with the habit of disappearing and avoiding me on messengers. If they somehow come back later, I'm fine with that. In the meantime I usually decide to archive their characters and claim mysterious disappearances or evil spells as an excuse. That way if they don't come back, it doesn't hold anything up.
    Elena likes this.
  2. I wouldn't make that choice, eventually the community will catch onto it.
  3. Rowena Ravenclaw

    Rowena Ravenclaw Resident Game Owner

    I like to give people the benefit of the doubt to begin with; that means if they vanish then come back I'm likely to welcome them back. If they're doing this two or three times, however, I usually send them a message and tell them I don't think the site is for them. I don't feel bad about removing people who are inactive, and about not accepting people who are flaky. In fact, we recently had a member over at Fractured who wanted to play an important role on the site that required a lot of activity. She was flaky, always absent, posted less than the bare minimum, and had apped and ditched several times.

    Needless to say she left when we refused her on those grounds and hasn't returned.
    Elena likes this.