What social networking sites do you use the most?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Sep 25, 2013.


What social networking sites do you use the most?

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Google+

  4. Tumblr

  5. LinkedIn

  6. Other

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  1. Elysian

    Elysian Newcomer

    Face book and I actually hardly use it. >.>
  2. PKMNostalgia

    PKMNostalgia Newcomer Game Owner

    I don't even know how to twitter. It took a while for me to get into even facebook
  3. Sekah

    Sekah Newcomer Game Owner

    Shriker likes this.
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

  5. knox

    knox Newcomer

    I use Facebook and Skype the most I think, though I frequent Instagram too, although my Insta page is mostly pictures of my cats n.n;
  6. Miss Astro

    Miss Astro Newcomer

    I just use facebook really. Mostly to organize group projects for uni! I spend most of my time on tickld, youtube and now echo blue
  7. korinxyla

    korinxyla Newcomer

    None! I used to be on facebook, but I started getting enraged all the time at people's updates. There was one guy who constantly updated about how wonderful life was and beauty and the depth of his emotional feelings, being thankful for each day etc and it was just sickening. I didn't have anything to update people with (my life is pretty boring) and there really wasn't any point, so I turned my facebook offline.

    I do use skype, but only for my online friends.
  8. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I spend way too much time on facebook.
  9. Amayah

    Amayah Newcomer

    Le Facebook, but hardly anymore. I think its awful. I really dont need to know what people are doing every minute of every day.
  10. hayomayo

    hayomayo Newcomer

    twitter. definetly twitter. i tend to spam xD
  11. Wiley

    Wiley Newcomer

    I use Tumblr to advertise my site(s) and to keep up to date on what's going on with Tom Hardy (my favorite ;D), but I don't really use it to post any of my own content and I don't really reblog anything either. I do have a Facebook, but I use it rarely on account of I kind of hate it. I have whittled down my friends list to just the very bare bones- my most immediate family. They're really the only ones I care to talk with, anyway.
  12. LordAo

    LordAo Newcomer

    I'd have to say Twitter, or Facebook. It honestly depends on the purpose, or the use. For site networking a good tumblr account does the trick, along with Twitter. Facebook tends to get a little too personal for most people who want to keep their internet life and their "real" life separate...
  13. I'm going to have to say facebook first and foremost. My family and friends are on it, though I haven't been on it much lately myself. Next up is of course twitter. Been awhile since I was on that either.
  14. RexDraco

    RexDraco Newcomer

    Really hate FB, it used to be fun posting pictures but they have gotten so restrictive, have even banned me for posting (clean) pictures on my OWN wall. They make it so you cant even see pages you followed anymore cause you hardly visit them or like things on them, but if they don't show you the page a cycle of defeated purpose.

    Tumblrs fun if you say on the side away from the crazies.

    Twitters great for gaming newsfeed!
  15. 78945

    78945 Newcomer

    I pretty much only use facebook. Every so often I'll pop onto Twitter.
  16. USSCerberus

    USSCerberus Newcomer

    Facebook primarily, followed by Star Trek Risa, which is a Star Trek social network. I use Twitter and G+ from time to time.
  17. PegasusFleet

    PegasusFleet Newcomer Game Owner

    It depends on what I'm doing really. I do a lot of social media stuff for work so a lot of facebook and twitter.

    When it comes to RP stuff, I'd usually avoid it until very recently when I started getting into Risa and trying to use our group's twitter for recruitment purposes. Facebook looks great but I get the impression that when it comes to converting it into likes and pageviews, if you're not paying for it then Facebook aren't interested in you.
  18. Shyuuhei

    Shyuuhei Newcomer

    Facebook, Deviantart, and youtube. /lame
  19. Vastrix

    Vastrix Newcomer

    Facebook for me. I use Twitter some, but am often always logged into Facebook.
  20. Don't really see the use in Twitter, though I use Facebook and Tumblr quite a bit.
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