Hello friends and fiends

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Enzeru, Jan 1, 2015.

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  1. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I'm Enzeru. I like anime, video games, rping, and other stuff you'd not expect from an adult. I found this place hoping to advertise my forum but I somehow have to make it past the ten post mark v.v; I'm terrible at introductions. Someone ask me questions x.x
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Hey there! Welcome to RPGfix! What's your favourite kind of breakfast food?
  3. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I like eggs. Boiled, over hard, scrambled, or in an omelet. Bacon is also good but only if it's chewy.
    Shriker likes this.
  4. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    Hello there! I had a question, but I forgot what it was. heh.
  5. turtle

    turtle Newcomer

    Hihi! :D

    Favourite anime?
  6. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I like a lot of the popular stuff like One Piece, Fairy Tail, Hitman Reborn, and Naruto. Picking just a single anime is impossible. Medoka Box was pretty good, too.
  7. turtle

    turtle Newcomer

    Sweetness! I like Fairy Tail too. /even has a site for it

    I can't name everything I've watched but favs include Wolf's Rain, Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, and Welcome to NHK. Also...Madoka Magica & Phycho-pass
    Enzeru likes this.
  8. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    There's a site where you can list all the anime you've ever watched and keep track of progress on new stuff. I can't remember the name of it, though. The bookmark didn't make it to my new computer.
  9. turtle

    turtle Newcomer

    I know of it, but not the name. Tbh I'd probably be too lazy to keep updating it. xD
    Enzeru likes this.
  10. Amayah

    Amayah Newcomer

    Hello! What is your favorite color? (also working on ten)
  11. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    Blue or purple, hard choice there.
  12. Lawlius

    Lawlius Newcomer

    Hello! Same here- I like video games, roleplay, anime, cosplaying, etc.
    I'm an adult >.>
    Enzeru likes this.
  13. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Most favorite and least adult thing you enjoy doing?

    I work outside and co-workers keep an eye on me during winter. Snowball Sniper strikes again....
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