Movies Films you wish the whole world would see

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 26, 2013.

  1. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    Seriously. Korean horror movie. It's gonna sound really lame, but it's soooo goood.

    This movie was really cute, and surprisingly good. I loved it. owo;
  2. kaz

    kaz Newcomer

    I really like Shine of Rainbows. It's kind of a sad/feel-good movie (if that makes any sense). It's an Irish film, and just really beautifully done. It's the story of a little orphan boy who is brought to live with a family... I dunno. I can't tell you more without ruining it, but it's on my top 10 list.

    I also really like Dear Frankie. It's one of Gerard Butler's least acknowledged films, I think, but GORGEOUS. It's a slow-moving film, so if you're looking for action right away it won't work for you, but the cinematography is delicious in it. Seriously.
  3. Witcher

    Witcher Newcomer

    The Shinning so everyone can understand my redrum jokes.
  4. Mydlas

    Mydlas Newcomer

    I recently watched "King of Badass Dome" and it was just awesome,
    a bit gore, but the monsters and the text is just so awesome and the peoples playing in it are just crazy! :D I hope I see more movies like this. I also fell in live with Dragon hunters, but I saw many person didn't knew about it.

    On french movies too: "Zarafa", "Le jour des corneilles" "day of the crows" are just so beautifully worked on and so un-loved in the world.
  5. Rehjul

    Rehjul Newcomer

    While I have several films that I adore, among them, I think only two pose significant enough moral and philosophical questions to warrant the whole world seeing them; 'Into the Wild' and 'There Will Be Blood.'

    THE LOST GIRL Newcomer

    there are so many good and so many underrated films :( people should give more a chance. Things can really surprise you!
  7. Applegeisha

    Applegeisha Newcomer

    Once upon a Time for sure. Its all our classic fairy tales but with such a dark and twisted take upon it that is great for both kids and adults. I love it and can't get enough of it.
  8. theAfanc

    theAfanc Newcomer

    I couldn't stand this movie. It felt like a great movie and then all of a sudden they were like 'crap we need to start killing people and showing blood' and all of the deaths just seemed rushed and sloppy and unnecessary.

    That being said... <3 Hugo Weaving.
  9. Pisces

    Pisces Newcomer

    Pan's Labyrinth - one of my all time favourite films!
  10. JesseFforde

    JesseFforde Newcomer

    Only Lovers Left Alive
  11. Nathan Hunter

    Nathan Hunter Resident Game Owner

    Airplane! Cause we're all counting on you.... :D
  12. 78945

    78945 Newcomer

    Big Fish. One of the best movies ever made.
  13. PegasusFleet

    PegasusFleet Newcomer Game Owner

    It's possibly not among my favourites but I finally got round to watching Starship Troopers the other week and (although I've seen most other Verhoeven films) it's not what I'd expected. It had that same vibe Dr Strangelove (another one everyone should see) does as being a kind of anti-war satire but with that absurd mid-90s heavy-handedness.
  14. ziggyest

    ziggyest Newcomer

  15. PegasusFleet

    PegasusFleet Newcomer Game Owner

    Yessssss! I loved Snowpiercer!
  16. massacrahamster

    massacrahamster Newcomer Game Owner

    Commitment! (The Korean one) I saw it on Netflix, clicked it and holy lord. Much crying happened.

    I hated Snowpiercer so much. During the whole movie, I had the voice of my writing teacher inside my skull yelling at all the plot holes and things that didn't make sense. And I really, REALLY wanted to like it, but that didn't happen.
  17. Dead Snow and Drive Angry
  18. Atticus

    Atticus Newcomer

    The Big Blue
    It's movie about extreme free diving. It's a little cheesy but the depiction of the diving is pretty cool, though, not as gruesome (thankfully) as some failed attempts can actually turn out. I honestly don't know why in the hell Rosanna Arquette was even in the movie, just try to ignore her.
  19. I agree with Krause - Hedwig and the Angry Inch is one of those movies that is so amazing, but people rarely have seen it. One of the best musicals out there, hands down.
  20. miami1984

    miami1984 Newcomer

    I'm a huge movie nerd, so there are so many movies that I love and recommend to people on a regular basis.

    The only movie I can think of that EVERYONE should see, however, is The Princess Bride.
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