Party Favors

Discussion in 'Management' started by KatherineEspair, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. If you haven't figured out my thread theme, it's things attached to parties. This discussion is about rewards.

    Do you reward your members? What are they for?

    Do you have prizes for things?

  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Shadowlack has a bunch of graphical trophies, ranging from account longevity, character creation, donations, [HASHTAG]#NaNoWriMo[/HASHTAG] participation, and even one I give to members who disappear for months (sometimes years) at a time and then return.

    We also have a custom-built "glim system' that awards people virtual currency based upon how active they are. The more active you are, the more glims you earn, which in turn can be spent on various items in the shop.

    We need to run more contests. :) Our most recent one was a raffle which three people ended up winning (essentially a prize pack with some free art, a tangible world map print, free account upgrade, and a few other things).
  3. Collapsible Myth

    Collapsible Myth Resident Game Owner

    Haven't given much thought in providing prizes or awards, been working on adding and improving the trophies used on our site.
  4. GreaterRealms
    Caffeine Fix

    GreaterRealms Newcomer Game Owner

    GR has awards for most topics started, most replies, longest time spent online, community spirit, awards for participation and awards members can hand out to one another as well (such as the Most Bad Ass Character award/Most hilarious and so on.) I think rewarding your members for their participation some way, some how is very encouraging to them.
  5. Kuzon

    Kuzon Newcomer

    How well do member chosen awards work for you? I get worried that it would end up more as a popularity contest than a real measure of ability.
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