TV The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by VirusZero, Nov 7, 2013.

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  1. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    For those who haven't heard... AMC's The Walking Dead is a TV show about a group of people struggling to survive in a post apocalyptic world where the dead roam and often the living are more dangerous. Based off a graphic novel of the same name, the show often takes very different approaches to how the graphic novel does.

    What do you think of the show? Who's your favourite or least favourite character? What do you think of the events going on in season 4 so far?

    Though just to be on the safe side...
    WARNING - Below this point there is potentially spoilers for events that occur. So if you aren't completely caught up... read at your own risk.
  2. cash

    cash Newcomer

    Omg do you know who I'm excited to watch in this coming season? Eugene and the gang! Also that last episode of the Governor, loved it! I really love those episodes where they go in and develop the characters.
  3. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    My favorite characters are Daryl and Michonne. Not sure I really have a "least" favorite but I'm not a big fan of the governor or Carl. I loved the tension when they introduced the illness but I HATE the last two episodes and the way they've back-tracked to the governor. I'm actually super disappointed they even brought the governor back. I was hoping he would just stay gone for a long while and introduce another plot point, rather than harping on him and his story. I think it was too early to bring him back in.

    It's also irritating in the same way flashbacks are; I want to continue the main arc, not interrupt it with a different one. I don't care what's going on with the governor and it was obvious from the start that he wasn't going to turn into a "good" guy. I guess I'm a little bored with his arc because it's all so damn predictable. I understand why they decided to do it--they want to draw out the tension with the main plot. But it was kind of a BS move, all the same.

    Okay, now that the rant is over... I really liked the episodes at the start of the season. Like I said before, I actually liked the introduction of the disease. It's not something we've explored yet in this new world so it was interesting and frightening and unpredictable. I liked the crap that went down with Carol. I think it was nice to see Rick make a leader's decision again, although he'll probably pay for it later. I like that kind of conflict, though.
  4. Spiffy

    Spiffy Newcomer

    I only watched a couple seasons of this, past the second one I think? I remember the little girl they were looking for and what happened to her. Yikes. It was pretty good really, my attention just wandered to other things. I think the names of the characters I liked were Daryl and Glen? And I didn't care for the main-main characters at all, like Rick, I think his name his.
  5. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    I'm pretty much convinced that I must be one of the only people in the world that doesn't like The Walking Dead. I tried to watch it, I really did... but just found it dreadfully boring.

    Plus, I truly don't get all the love for the one rednecky scrawny looking guy? Ton's of people I know are swooning over him and think he's the hottest thing ever... I'm like... Ehh, he's ugly. o.O
  6. Jcc0450

    Jcc0450 Newcomer

    There is a game for it too...
  7. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    I really liked the first couple of seasons, but I'm kind of over the story right now. I have some feels, not gunna lie. My favourite season was actually the second one. The farm is my favourite setting do far. I didn't dig the prison at all, but Woodbury was really an interesting concept. I think if I found myself in a zombie apocalypse, I would make a city like that.
  8. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    The game is freaking awesome.
  9. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    Which game...

    There's Telltale's The Walking Dead which is an episodic cel-shaded comic book-like version which is set parallel to the show. They've released part of Season 2 now though with more on the way.

    And then there's Walking Dead: Survival Instincts which is set around Merle and Daryl. (And this is the lesser of the two games.)

    Personally I'm glad they spent time to deal with the Governor and get that out of the way. The little side story with him was ok, but it was kinda predictable what was going to happen. (Still a decent story though.)

    I have gotten kinda tired of Carl though. I mean he's made tons of stupid decisions that should have got him killed. And he never really seems to learn from his mistakes or really suffer any sort of repercussions. Off hand...
    In season 2 he was poking the walker that was stuck in the mud (which eventually freed itself and then ate Dale, and may also have helped lead that huge hoard of them to the farm).
    In season 3, when they got to the prison, he ran off by himself for medical supplies in a prison they hadn't cleared of walkers yet.
    In season 4, he's ventured out when Rick was injured (wasted all his bullets in the process).

    It seems like every time Carl puts that hat on... douche mode engages. He gets mouthier, cockier and more obnoxious.
  10. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I was referring to the point and click game by Telltale. I really like the characters, although I'm bummed that the characters I'm most interested in always end up meeting a premature end. Everybody pretty much does in TWD universe but what I mean is, they're there for like five seconds and then gone before I get to know them! Rawr!

    I've been keeping up with the Telltale game. The first season, I DLed it all and played at once so it's been an agonizingly slow crawl moving through the second season. Agh, hurry up! (But I know it's better to wait so the game's not all wonky.)

    I was glad to see familiar faces but I'm honestly more interested in the new group.
  11. Rhaegon

    Rhaegon Fresh Blood

    XD What do you guys thing of Terminus and all that Jazz? I kinda expected the whole thing to go down like it did, but it was surprising that most of the group was thrown back together at the end. I wonder whatever became of Beth, Tyrese, and Carol... I suppose we will find out next season. I just wish there was more content and less commercials. It kind of makes me feel ripped off when you only get about 40 minutes of show.
  12. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    I was hopeful it would be a good place. But at the same time I doubted it because it's The Walking Dead... Nothing that seems really good actually is.

    And when they showed people showing up and being welcomed with a plate of food... I couldn't help but wonder where that food was coming from. I mean there were no mention of cattle and they never showed any (maybe they could have been off somewhere else and just never mentioned, but skeptical me is skeptical. And this show would be the sort to leave that vague. And of course they'd toss in a brief shot of a human skeleton picked clean for good measure. So even if they aren't actually cannibals, there would still be that lingering doubt.)

    As for what will happen...
    The leaders of Terminus are going to underestimate Rick somehow and when they least expect it... he's going to gut one of them with his bare hands. Because, at this point, he has no problem making full use of everything available to him to kill. (Or he'll kill one of them and let them turn, like he did with Joe's group, to cause a distraction.)
    Then he's going to get his guns and free the people in the containers to overthrow Terminus. (I mean he suspected things weren't going to go well which is why he buried his guns somewhere so they wouldn't get confiscated.)

    I was actually kinda shocked at Rick's actions when he killed Joe (I figured Michonne was going to get free and kill him). I mean that would have to suck to actually kill someone like that, I could see that being exceptionally difficult. I mean human teeth are not exactly made for ripping throats.
    (I do like Andrew Lincoln's commentary on that shot though. )

    For Carol and Tyrese? I figure they will make their way to Terminus too, just in time to be a part of Rick ruining it.
  13. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I'm waiting for the cannibals. They've had them in the game and the comics so it's only a matter of time. I thought they were going to be cannibals in Terminus, especially when their first encounter is with a woman cooking meat. Too friendly, so of course I didn't trust them. I do kinda wish we got to see why they ended up locking up the first group, though. We know why the second group was locked up. Did they just lock up the first group for no reason or did they draw on them, too? It's obvious they set a trap to capture people, which really only reinforces the suspicion that they're eating people. But the ONLY people locked up were from the group, which is also weird. Not even one or two other travelers hanging out in there waiting? They could have used that as a bridge. (And then killed that person off because that's what TWD does best.)
  14. Witcher

    Witcher Newcomer

    I haven't been watching it recently but the early stuff was really good. I like the comics too. Gotta get around to it.
  15. espatier

    espatier Newcomer

    I'm waiting to see who will survive the cannibals!.
  16. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    I'm SOOOO glad they finally incorporated Sanctuary.

    Honestly, over all, my least liked character was Lori. There was a video I watched "True Trailers" that brought up that pretty much everyone hated her. "The most hated character in a show full of flesh eating monsters."

    Exact quote.

    I have to go with the popular vote and give my love to Daryl.

    I'm sorry, but he is EXACTLY the guy I want next to me during the zombie apocalypse. He acts all tough when the crapola hits the fan, but he's a big softie.
  17. Mydlas

    Mydlas Newcomer

    So far my fav is Daryl, thought I live somewhere it's not free to watch, so I only saw season 1 and 2, I can't wait to see 3 and 4! D:
    I totally hated the first part of the second season, but the ending is incredible! So many zombies!

    I totally liked the first season, thought close to the end it was less my style: I loved the first episodes most and Daryl's appearance.
  18. Rhythm

    Rhythm Newcomer

    I dislike the deviation from the comics, but at the same time I really like the addition of some of the characters (Daryl). That being said, Daryl is and will always be my favorite.
  19. Collapsible Myth

    Collapsible Myth Resident Game Owner

    Absolutely love the show and enjoying how they're deviating from the comics in some avenues, gives the show it's own life without having to relay so much on the comics.

    Right now I'm just counting down the days till the season premiere and have watched the comic-con trailer many many times.

    THE LOST GIRL Newcomer

    I cannot wait for this to come back. This and Sons of Anarchy are totally my guilty pleasures <3
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