Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    105 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    98 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. Grimace

    Grimace Newcomer

    Never been a fan of coffee but tea is another story.

    I love a hot cup of Earl Grey or Scottish Breakfast :3
  2. LadyLilas

    LadyLilas Newcomer

    Coffee black. Without that kick in the morning, I'm a zombie. :3
  3. EOS

    EOS Newcomer

    Coffee in the morning, tea at night.
  4. Zee

    Zee Newcomer

    Managing a coffee shop, I feel like my answer SHOULD be coffee. But it's definitely tea.
  5. Rehjul

    Rehjul Newcomer

    Tea for me. It boasts more benefits, and coffee never seems to settle too well for me or mine.

    THE LOST GIRL Newcomer

    Teaholic for sure!
  7. CarpeCorde

    CarpeCorde Newcomer

    I love all types of tea. I'm a tea addict, hehe. It's liquid muse... and liquid magic!

    The only types of coffee I like are soy lattes, and they have to be sweet and milky. I also don't mind the Oak brand iced coffees... they're quite nice actually.
  8. CarpeCorde

    CarpeCorde Newcomer

    I love all types of tea. I'm a tea addict, hehe. It's liquid muse... and liquid magic!

    The only types of coffee I like are soy lattes, and they have to be sweet and milky. I also don't mind the Oak brand iced coffees... they're quite nice actually.
  9. Elysian

    Elysian Newcomer

    Man I wish there was a both button! I love both <3 I have the Breville from Teavana and a kreuig! :P I love coffee and tea. <3
  10. Shaman110

    Shaman110 Newcomer

    I prefer coffee but I must admit to enjoying a nice cup of green tea at least once a week, Health and whatever. :D
  11. Miss Astro

    Miss Astro Newcomer

    Coffee, Black coffee. It's ironic really because I'm from Yorkshire...
  12. turtle

    turtle Newcomer

    Tea, especially mint.

    But I like pretty much any kind other than Eary Grey/Chamomile.
  13. korinxyla

    korinxyla Newcomer

    Tea for sure. I like it hot or cold, black with sugar.
    I have occasionally had coffee, but it's usually more sugar/cream than actual coffee - it's funny cause I ONLY drink it when at a particular friends house, because she keeps her house so cold that I freeze. She drinks a ton of coffee, so I usually help myself to a cup of hot joe just to keep warm; but even then, I don't enjoy it much.
  14. Enzeru

    Enzeru Newcomer

    I like both coffee and tea. I like fresh ground coffee better than pre-ground or instant. I prefer loose leaf tea to bagged.
  15. Amayah

    Amayah Newcomer

    Teacups and fistbumps!
  16. hayomayo

    hayomayo Newcomer

    eh, if i had to pick between the two i'd say coffee, but i don't really drink either.
  17. Pisces

    Pisces Newcomer

    COFFEE! I am English so I should like tea more but I am so team coffee :)
  18. JesseFforde

    JesseFforde Newcomer

    Coffee. Any kind.
  19. I absolutely can't stand coffee. I've tried very hard, and I can tolerate it when it's got extra sugar in the form of chocolate or caramel or something like that, but I'm pretty sure that marks me as a non-coffee-drinker anyway. So, tea it is.
  20. I really like coffee myself. I only drink tea when I am sick. Most of the time I will add flavored cream and sugar to my coffee. Unless it smells wonderfully rich and then I take it black.