The "Gratuitous Photo of Yourself" Thread

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Sep 19, 2013.

  1. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Share a photo of what you look like in real life, or an image of something that you feel represents you!
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2017
    Meushell likes this.
  2. Uwa, how do I get a cool Instagram embed thingy like youuuuu.

    Here is a dumb selfie from a few weeks ago when I bought a cool vest and tie from Goodwill.
  3. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Sweet tie! Instagram will auto-embed if you post the raw link (without any link text).
  4. [​IMG]

    I was so much younger then today... That's me on the left. With the red skirt.
  5. Iztak

    Iztak Resident Game Owner

    Removed by author
    Last edited: Sep 29, 2020
    Archivist likes this.
  6. Morrigan

    Morrigan Resident Game Owner

  7. NekoHime

    NekoHime Newcomer

  8. cash

    cash Newcomer

    All of you guys look so dapper! Puts my bills to shame.
  9. Spiffy

    Spiffy Newcomer

    fishbulb and Sammiie like this.
  10. Helixagon

    Helixagon Resident Game Owner

  11. HowlingInSync

    HowlingInSync Newcomer

    i don't have pictures of myself but picture this;

    6'1, skinny guy that plays soccer, hazel eyes, with light golden hair
  12. Magictallguy

    Magictallguy Newcomer

    My profile picture is the most recent picture of me..
    Tracing back through my Facebook albums, I can find this:
    I'm the guy on the left with the black guitar
  13. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    I'll bite. owo;
    Ah! My head is huge. >:
    Spoiler tags, where for art thou?
  14. Grimace

    Grimace Newcomer


    meow =o.o=
  15. Rennat

    Rennat Newcomer

    I'm in my avvy, but also...

  16. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner


    I'm the one on the right. Dressed as my character in Last Hope Larp named Reyna Longfang. We're on day three of a three day even in an unimproved camping area so excuse any scruffiness you see. We're in a very serious pow-wow. The guy in green is Stranrick Longfang, whose Reyna's cousin. This was a few months before he finally rose up as Chieftain. Reyna's a Daughter of Gaia (priestess), and from a family with a reputation for both yelling and being serious.

    I dubbed this photo (even though it was taken by a really awesome guy named Shawn) "Serious Ulven are Serious". (Ulven is the race to which they belong).
    SymonDrayson and Shriker like this.
  17. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

  18. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

  19. I think this best represents me. Mischievous and a little bit wicked. :D


    It is actually a chibi of one my characters. But... shhhhh.. don't tell him. He might have a complex. >...>
  20. ButSheisFierce

    ButSheisFierce Newcomer Game Owner

    My face is evil, so here is a picture of me torturing my dogs. See how mad they are? The lasers are about to engage
    Shriker and Kiwixpop like this.