If you can hear this then you are reading too loudly

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by KatherineEspair, Jul 18, 2014.

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  1. Hello! I'm Kat. I'm also new.

    I admit that I've seen this place a few times, but I haven't really looked at it much before. There are so many internet communities out there. Still, I figured it was about time to at least look. If I didn't i might miss out on all the friendly folks that could be her, right?

    So, what about me?
    I'm a 35 year old roleplayer. (yes, it is possible to rp past your twenties!)
    I started online roleplay in 1997. I played my first game online, and stumbled into their chat. One of the rooms was for roleplay, and i was hooked! I ended up roleplaying more than gaming. Ah the memories.
    That said, I do love to game. My top two I play the most (currently) is diablo 3 and minecraft. I might add that steam is my friend and a weakness.
    I also rarely listening to anything that isn't already in my music collection. I'm a stagnant music lover. I make up for this by meeting cool people from all over the roleplay world. They recommend music for me, and I check it out. Much of what i hear does end up in the United States. I always find it amusing when I mention a song to my husband, and then it shows up on the radio.
    Hmmm.. what else... my favorite color is blue, but I have great sympathy for pink. I once wrote a paper on the 'pink liberation movement'. It's a fictional movement to liberate pink from color bias and free it to live in equality with other colors. My teacher loved it.

    Lastly, I'm a very random person. Given time I can be pretty silly. I apologize in advance for this. It is always meant with good humor.
    Shriker likes this.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Kat! I'm always curious about people to who play Minecraft. Do you play solo, or on vanilla, or modded servers, or all of the above? Do you find it relaxing when juxtaposed to games like Diablo?
  3. Thank you!

    When I started playing minecraft i was fascinated by the ability to create things. I've always been creatively minded. I used to take out my little brother's blocks and try to make new things. Unfortunately we only had enough for a tower. The same tower over and over again. It was almost frustrating to forget he had so few blocks only to be right back where I was when finished. Minecraft felt as if I had gotten past that frustration. I saw a 'let's play' video on it and thought it looked really neat. Friends of mine wanted to try it too so we all got the game. I played so much single player at first, just building and building. Then we got on a server together and it was simply amazing to work together in more of an adventure than a building game.

    We went on to scout out land together and then I started building a house i've renovated about three times now. Several years later the map was retired and is now on my single player map where i occasionally still work on that same house.

    However, more recently I got my brother into the game. I've done plenty of building so we've been doing more exploring. The game has made things more of an adventure with temples and hidden places to explore. There are also new biomes. we are on a quest (and have been for half a year) to find a jungle. No luck so far, but that is part of the fun.

    I prefer vanilla to any mods. Because I like to build i don't use a texture pack. I want to know that things look good in the plain texture. Mostly I just explore these days. It's more a bonding time with my brother than anything.

    Which is why I got him into diablo 3 too. Diablo 1 is actually where I started roleplaying. They had a chat on battlenet specifically for roleplay, and from there my hobby started. Needless to say it has a special place in my heart. I love both games. Minecraft is far more peaceful. I could never really make a call on which i like better.

    Recently I've been playing a few games on steam to keep things mixed up. I don't have too much time for games due to my roleplay hobby.

    I hope that answered your question. I think somewhere in that rambling mess I ended up on a euphoric journey down memory lane. lol
    Shriker likes this.
  4. Stockmon

    Stockmon Newcomer

    I just feel like saying that your topic title amuses me.
  5. Creativity is to be cherished. Thank you :D
  6. Stockmon

    Stockmon Newcomer

    It reminds me of the statement "Don't look at me in that tone of voice," except yours is actually logical and amusing.
  7. The best insults are words made of truth, but so are the best jokes. People laugh because they relate. I'm also fond of conflicting ideas such as tap dancing quietly. As if that type of dancing was made for tiptoeing across the floor.
  8. Stockmon

    Stockmon Newcomer

    Very nice. I was told in high school that... it was Philosophy(or something else, I forget) that told us something we didn't know, and Comedy told us something we already knew. So the fact that we knew comedy and could relate made it funny. Anyway, your comment reminds me of that. And conflicting ideas can be fun. I like some contradictory sounding songs. Like the song Disconnected by Lindsay Lohan. I might be obsessed with the lyrics to that song.
  9. mstrsskit

    mstrsskit Newcomer

    Hello the Kat to my Kit!
  10. Kit! WELCOME!!! <3 Good to see you on RPGfix
  11. mstrsskit

    mstrsskit Newcomer

    You recommended it, that means it has to be awesome!
  12. haha, well, i certainly enjoy it. Love your avatar!
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