Anyone play them still? I tried one many years ago but couldn't get into it, preferred the play-by-post games instead.
I used to be pretty big into them, but not nearly as much anymore. I found that differing time zones played too much of a factor, and I wasn't always able to dedicate 1-3 hour chunks of time consistently. That said, I absolutely love some of the mechanics that allow you to build your own places and interactive objects.
The timezone issue is a good point, a friend of mine who still plays pointed out that this is a bigger problem now as the communities tend to be smaller so if you're not on at peak times, it gets a bit lonely...
@Kohana All good! <3 A MUD (and variants of) is a Multi-User Dungeon. Essentially they're a mix of interactive fiction, online chatting, virtual worlds, and dungeon crawling/monster killing (sometimes). Players can move around in the text-based world, view objects (eg read their descriptions), and interact with them. So think of them as massive chat rooms that have a lot of player commands (and often even player statistics and the ability to die if you attack the wrong thing). They're essentially what existed before MMORPGs. I suppose in layman's terms, imagine if World of Warcraft (or any other MMO) had no graphics, and it was played entirely through a chat interface.
Oooh. Okay. That seems kinda cool, actually. I used to play the single player versions, but I never imagined that could be done in a multiplayer setting. Than you for explaining it to me!
it's something that alot people should revisit. Tradewars, BBS, Doors and dial up!... Oh and waiting three hours on tech support in america!
I played Achaea for a long time, and I loved it. If I could every adopt the patience, I'd love to turn my own site into a MUD. The whole mechanism of being text based and having to 'imagine' everything that's happening from the story dialog.. kicks the pants off WoW anyday. XD