How do you spend your time?

Discussion in 'Management' started by moosetracks114, Oct 27, 2013.

  1. I'm going to make an assumption and say that most people on RPG Fix are both members and administrators of RP sites (or have been at one point). We all have limited time, and I'm sure more than once had to make the decision of writing a post or doing an administrative task. My question is exactly as the title says, "How do you spend your time?" Do you have a set schedule that lets you be an admin on x days and an RPer on y days? Do you set aside time when you first log in to handle administrative tasks? How do manage your time?

    For me, it depends a lot on what my schedule is outside of the internet. My last year of university, I had to specify that I would do posts every other day and do administrative tasks on the in between days. Now that I have relatively more spare time, I don't stick to a strict schedule, but try and respond to my partners within 48 hours of their posts. I deal with administrative duties as they come up, and when dealing with big projects, time box my time so not all of my time is sucked up into one activity.

    Of course, having a great staff team and taking advantage of automated processes certainly helps ease the process along. :)
  2. No schedule. I just do what I feel like. There arent that many set tasks that I need to do before deadlines, really. Erh, none, actually.The last few days we have been busy with moving house, so we gafent had ahybtime to do admin tasks or write posts. Site is still there, members still write.There aee no processes on our site I guess?First thing we do when we sit at our pc rather than tablet or phone, is to follow up on an application. If it had been okay, we would have accepted it during the mive, but this one raises questions, so we need to discuss it. Plus applicant hasnt bothered contacting us, do it is probably a bogys app anyway :)Real life alwats comes first. Always. That is my only rule.
  3. I used to set aside about an hour every morning to administrate and another hour in the evening; it's gotten a lot more inconsistently lately because I haven't been able to maintain a schedule as well. Immediate administrative duties always comes ahead of RPing for me, so I don't write at all until the admin stuff is done. There was a several year period when I wasn't RPing at all and was admin only, so this is pretty typical of me anyway, haha.
  4. That tended to happen to me during my busiest semesters at school, and now that I've got a real adult job, it's starting to lean that way again. I found time boxing it like you did to be the easiest way to avoid that, but sometimes you have to choose!
  5. Kitsufox
    Caffeine Fix

    Kitsufox Resident Game Owner

    I'm as much an admin as a player at my game. I find that If I'm active, it inspires others to activity. Though our game has a relatively small player base compared to many games, so each individual's activity has a fairly strong influence on the overall activity level.
  6. NekoHime

    NekoHime Newcomer

    Reading fan-fictions or playing Pokemon. Now it is being the advertisement mod for a new site that just open up.
  7. Iztak

    Iztak Resident Game Owner

    There are a few tasks that we like to handle asap like vetting new characters. Getting people writing is our top priority. After that it's assisting members with questions and putting out fires.

    Those are the three things I'll handle before I trot off to write most of the time.

    I kind of understand that happy members make happy staff. If we, as staff, freely enjoy the writing and community we are likely to handle our commitments with vim and vigor.

    Most of the time things run smoothly enough that I spend more time rping than staffing. But every do often there are busy admin times where that might not be true.
    Elena likes this.
  8. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    I don't really have to separate my play from my admin duties. On average, I only take about 15 minutes to make a post, so often times I have plenty of other time to sit and read apps and things. I generally have smaller sites, so I haven't had a need to spend hours catching up on admin duties. One hour of free times gives me plenty of time to get my work side done on the site and do my fun stuff. I also pop in a lot when I am doing other things to see if I am needed as an admin so I can stay on top of it and not have my cup overflow.
    Elena likes this.
  9. Dawnmist

    Dawnmist Newcomer

    On my DS, or reading or writing. It's pretty varied depending on my mood really.
  10. Claire

    Claire Resident

    No schedule, I come online and see what needs doing the most first. Sometimes it's and RP post for a group RP or whatnot, sometimes its an admin task. :D
  11. Elena

    Elena Resident Game Owner

    This is for me too. I usually post more than do staff duties, but sometimes these have to come first.
  12. Draegon

    Draegon Newcomer

    No schedule for me either. I often will be thinking about the game's world when out walking to and fro everywhere, but that's the only sort of "stable" process that I have when it comes to roleplaying other than trying to reply every 1-3 days to all threads I'm in and getting to applications and help topics/PM ASAP.
  13. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    No schedule here, either! I just do what I want, man. On a daily basis, I usually post. Admin work takes very little time for me and is not a daily thing, either. The only "regular" work I really have to do is advertise, which I do maybe twice a month. If a new member shows up, I help them out but that doesn't happen often. The worst work is when I decide to go with a new theme and I have to spend about a week tweaking it. Ugh. But that's really it. Everything else is automated.

    When I'm not posting, I read, play video games, or watch movies/videos.
  14. Thief

    Thief Newcomer

    No schedule. I find that it usually stressed me out more than it was worth when I tried putting it together once. During the summer I spend a lot more time out with my girlfriend and friends while they're home from school, but I 95% of the time have the forum up in the background and will pop in and out of the cbox. I normally play videogames and post inbetween sessions, but even then I have at least the cbox up on my phone or in the background so I can chat and answer questions.
  15. SG2Tiger

    SG2Tiger Newcomer

    My community has always been fairly small, so I've never had much trouble juggling 'admin duties' with 'being a regular member'. As long as I'm always around to check up on things, there are rarely issues. I do of course have periods where I'm too busy to spend a lot of time being active aside from checking in to make sure everything is running smoothly, and periods where I have too much time on my hands and am able to spend a lot of time posting, worldbuilding, etc. I currently keep my board open in a pinned tab (firefox) so it's always there, no matter what I'm doing, and I have audio on in my cbox so I can hear it when someone shows up and be there to greet them - as long as I'm at my computer, of course.
  16. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    I try to keep everything as organized as possible.

    Naturally, I'd like to get my site out there. But honestly, I'm just concerned with making the interface easier for my members. I'm always looking up new, fancy add ons to slap up.

    LoooOooooooOOOOoOoOove Xenfooorooooo~
  17. Nerf Herder

    Nerf Herder Newcomer

    I tend to A.) Work on getting in replies to my members to whom I owe posts (this is always a first for me). B.) Work on immediate board-related things that require my attention. C.) Advertise my board. D.) Work on characters or fanon things to add into the role-play later. I try to spend an equal amount of time on those four things, but sometimes it doesn't work out as planned.
    Claire likes this.