
Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Claire, Mar 27, 2014.

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  1. Claire

    Claire Resident

    Halloooo, huge fantasy fan in your midst! I go by Mia at some places but Claire is the name on me birth certificate. :P


    Oh, my avi is chibi me drawn by a friend. :P
    Mayu likes this.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Claire! Glad to have yet another new face here. What's your fantasy poison of choice?
    Claire likes this.
  3. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    Oh, I know Mia!
    Welcome to the site! Good to see you on here too!
    Claire likes this.
  4. Claire

    Claire Resident

    Hallo Mayu! *waves*

    Iversia... hmm, tough one because I was raised on high fantasy but looooove dark fantasy and Pullman's steampunk type in His Dark Materials too. :D As much as some people hate the cliche, I love my dragons etc so gonna have to say high. :P
    Shriker and Mayu like this.
  5. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Dragons are wonderful. :) That's part of the reason why I love the Pern series. His Dark Materials is also awesome. I wish that they'd make all of the books into movies, but I don't think it'll end up happening. :(
    Claire likes this.
  6. Claire

    Claire Resident

    Nah, The Golden Compass Its Northern Lights dammit! :P did not do well at the Box Office. :( I was looking forward to seeing the other worlds...

    However, Peter Jackson has bought the rights for Temeraire, so yay!
    Shriker likes this.
  7. Dawnmist

    Dawnmist Newcomer

    I absolutely adored His Dark Materials when I was younger! It's still my favourite book series even now.
    Claire likes this.
  8. Claire

    Claire Resident

    You guys are my favourite. :P Now, all I need to do it finish my Steampunk board and make a Lyra rip-off. :P
  9. DearAnonymous

    DearAnonymous Fresh Blood

    His Dark Materials gave me so much life. They were the books that sealed my love for fantasy. The Amber Spyglass was particularly heartwrenching for me, but it was a bittersweet ending I wouldn't have had any other way.

    As for The Golden Compass, I'm sure that movie would've done a hell of a lot better if they hadn't blatantly butchered the story. -never not bitter-

    Anyway, sorry for busting in here like that. I feel very passionate for HDM.
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