Meow Hello

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by NekoHime, Nov 5, 2013.

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  1. NekoHime

    NekoHime Newcomer

    Hi everyone. My name is Neko and I am a cat. I found this site by accident because I was looking for another rp directory and found this one. I am also the princess of a place call Nekoland. Where only cats live, we live peaceful here with our neighbors InuVille. I am fun loving cat that loves to meet people and make new friends. I also love reading and playing pokemon.
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Neko! What do the duties of being the princess of Nekoland entail? :)
  3. melodym3

    melodym3 Newcomer

    I only have one cat and he's a handful, I can't imagine trying to rule a kingdom of them.
  4. camilli

    camilli Newcomer

    Wow. Nike to meet you Princess Neko! *worships*
  5. Dawnmist

    Dawnmist Newcomer

    You'd probably be interested in the Warrior Cats fandom if you're not in it already :)
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