What social networking sites do you use the most?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Shriker, Sep 25, 2013.


What social networking sites do you use the most?

  1. Facebook

  2. Twitter

  3. Google+

  4. Tumblr

  5. LinkedIn

  6. Other

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  1. camilli

    camilli Newcomer

    So, I have always just been a basic Facebook user. But then I started teaching yoga and found the yoga community on instagram super friendly and inviting. So now I use that more than anything.
  2. HowlingInSync

    HowlingInSync Newcomer

    I mainly use instagram
  3. Magictallguy

    Magictallguy Newcomer

    Facebook only, and even then, only fleetingly.
    I'm not really into the social networking thing. Never saw the point in it (I think being Autistic and rather anti-social blinds me from said point though :P)
  4. Mayu

    Mayu Newcomer

    I don't actually use any social networking. If I ever actually need to have an account for anything, I just log into my friends' accounts.
  5. Kohana

    Kohana Newcomer

    I really only use facebook. I have a g+, tumblr, twitter, and various others like instagram, but I never really use them. I have spurts where I am super addicted to one, like tumblr, and then I'm just not anymore. I mainly use my facebook to keep track of my family though, since they are kind of scattered all over the country now. I occasionally post random stuff, but mainly I just complain about my day. xD
  6. Claire

    Claire Resident

    Does Pinterest count? Because... I am obsessed with that place. :P

    Am also a SM moderator so um... I use them all. ehehe. I have like... six twitter accounts - for realsies.
    Shriker likes this.
  7. Azureye

    Azureye Newcomer

    I use Twitter only reluctantly—I work in tech and it's super-hard to organize tech meetups without Twitter, so I relented, even though I'm always smashing headfirst into the 140 character limit, alas.
  8. Witcher

    Witcher Newcomer

    Facebook but mainly for using the fanpages to stay up to date as it seems most companies update that more than their actual blog or site...
  9. SG2Tiger

    SG2Tiger Newcomer

    I've always disliked social networks, preferring 'oldschool' forms of internet communication like forums and IRC for chatting. I've had Facebook since back when only college students could register, but I've never used it very much, mostly using it to keep in contact with a handful of friends who don't use anything else, and a few groups for the same reason. I'd tried Twitter and Reddit as well because my friends are big on them but neither ever clicked for me...I assumed it was going to be the same with Tumblr, but that's the one that finally sucked me in. Like any community there's always a vocal minority who can be rude and insufferable but for the most part I've felt pretty at home there, and it's the only social network I check into on a daily basis.
  10. Thief

    Thief Newcomer

    I hate most forms of social networking besides roleplaying forums if they count. Even then, I'm kinda reluctant to post on them. The closest I get is using the platform Steam to buy games and playing online games where there are other living, breathing people on the other side of the computer. Though most of the time I don't want to talk to them anyway.
  11. Collapsible Myth

    Collapsible Myth Resident Game Owner

    Only use Google+ for personal interaction with a few of my friends on it and mostly for the writing and rp communities there. Twitter I've only used for my characters. Personally I have only used it for that and just got into using it recently in the past year.

    I do have a Facebook account but I occasionally log into it every few months, mostly for friends and family that are there.
  12. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    Honestly, does anyone remember MySpace anymore? I used to be all over that.
    It's actually where I originally got my coding wings.

    But I'm on Facebook.
  13. I'm slowly going off of social networks... I use Facebook to reach my family sometimes, and post the occasional thing on Tumblr. I prefer IMs or forums these days.
  14. Nerf Herder

    Nerf Herder Newcomer

    I use Facebook and twitter mostly, more so the latter rather than the former. I've used Tumblr in the past, might start using it again soon, because it does work to a degree for why I would use it.
  15. The

    The Fresh Blood

    Twitter for my roleplaying board, I want the search engines to keep following me!

    And G+ for the Google account...
  16. Kaia

    Kaia Newcomer

    I tend not to use any social media sites cause they all remind me of high school, with their cliques and striving to be popular and liked. I do have a twitter and Facebook, but am an admitted lurker and rarely use.
  17. Claire

    Claire Resident

    I manage...6 twitter accounts, 2 FB, 4 tumblr, 3 pinterest, 2 goodreads, a g+ page, and have wordpress, insanejournal and livejournal accounts. :P

    There is a mix of RP use and personal use in there. hehe. I have hootsuite, it's all good. Need to go pro so I can save my tweet schedules more easily though. >_>
  18. Rhythm

    Rhythm Newcomer

    HAHAHAHAHAHA yeah, no.

    Facebook for life. I go on Tumblr every now and again, and used to have a Twitter and an Instagram, but Facebook for the most part.
    LithiYum likes this.
  19. Stockmon

    Stockmon Newcomer

    I have a facebook. I use it to keep track of people and get some messages. Otherwise I basically use it as a photo album. I don't use any of the other ones. I used to be on Facebook a lot, but then they got rid of the Sims Social game and apparently that was all I did on facebook by then... oh well.
  20. Rehjul

    Rehjul Newcomer

    The only social networking site I frequent is Facebook, and even then it's typically only through the use of its 'Messenger' application.
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