Movies What is your favourite '70s or '80s SciFi?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Max Shields, Feb 18, 2014.

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  1. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    The '70s and '80s saw a wide range of science fiction shows, movies, and literature that inspired many of us to fall in love with RPGs and science fiction in general as we grew up. What are your favourite ones?
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    I think I'll try to focus my answer on films. The books and regular shows are a little too numerous for me to decide on. Although I don't exactly have the best taste (I have a penchant for bad/cheesy films).
    • Blade Runner
    • The Rocky Horror Picture Show (this totally counts)
    • Critters (more of a horror trilogy, but still)
    • The Last Starfighter
    • Terminator
    • Aliens
    • Howard the Duck (so awful that it's good)
    • Batteries Not Included (not sure why I used to watch this on repeat)
    • ET
    • Star Wars (of course)
  3. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    Haha! I had completely forgotten about it. For some reason, I had a sense of being totally creeped out and entirely smitten by wonderment when I saw it in theatres. I'm not quite sure why, but those little 'bots were quite wonderful.

    As for the rest of the list, indeed. There are some solid offerings there. You have impeccable taste, even when it comes to listing ol' Howard as bad = good!
  4. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    I think I have a fascination with creatures, whether they be robots, aliens, or whatever (and puppets; I like creepy puppets).

    Poor, poor Howard... that movie was at least half an hour too long, but it did have good moments!
  5. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    Short Circuit could probably figure in the list, too.
  6. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    The only two sci-fi movies from the 70's/80's I would call my favourites were Ghostbusters and Robocop.

    I mean I watched Terminator, Star Wars and plenty of other movies from those two decades but none really stuck with me like those two. (Though I liked Terminator 2 better than the original. But that was a 90's movie.)
  7. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    Interesting, I love Ghostbusters (still not too sure what I think of #2), but I had never considered it as science fiction. I saw it more as fantasy, but now that you bring it up, I can definitely see it as such.
  8. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    @Max Shields I'd almost forgotten about Short Circuit... It might have been because I tried to bleach Short Circuit 2 from my brain.
  9. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    I forgot there was a second one. Bleaching worked all too well in my case! XD
  10. VirusZero

    VirusZero Resident Game Owner

    I think it's sci-fi because it's core principle is using technology to combat forces beyond human control/understanding. And most science fiction tends to be based around some sort of technology for good or ill. I might be wrong about it's exact classification though.

    Ghostbusters 2 was ok, but I felt it kind of missed the mark in a lot of places. (Still love the courtroom scene though. But not so much the underground railway scene...)
  11. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    @VirusZero I agree with your analysis of GB's tech vs. forces beyond understanding.

    I also agree with the shortcomings you identify for GB2. I'd say it was also trying to take itself too seriously.
  12. HowlingInSync

    HowlingInSync Newcomer

    Ghost busters! xD
  13. Max Shields

    Max Shields Newcomer

    Oh yeah! They're definitely worth calling!
  14. Dawnmist

    Dawnmist Newcomer

    Ghostbusters for me too!
  15. espatier

    espatier Newcomer

    Steel Dawn
    Damnation Alley
    Laser Blast
    Food of the Gods
    Omega Man
    Fire and Ice
    Logan's run
    Roller Ball
    Soylent Green
    Planet of the Ape
    BattleStar Galactic
    I am Legend
    West World
    Cherry 2000
  16. Kaia

    Kaia Newcomer

    Just can't beat Star Wars!

    Also enjoyed Batteries Not Included and Short Circuit.
  17. Claire

    Claire Resident

    Aliens. God I love that Verse.
  18. stormvermin

    stormvermin Fresh Blood

    The Thing, Escape from New York, Aliens. :D
  19. Elysian

    Elysian Newcomer

    The only thing that sticks in my head and got me hooked on Star Trek (Next Gen) and even some TOS (even if it falls in the 60s...). My dad would sit me down and we'd watch it together. I thought it was the greatest thing. And I think what has me stuck to it is the fact that I got an awesome memory! :) I know corny. Also Ghostbusters......dude. :penguin:
  20. Collapsible Myth

    Collapsible Myth Resident Game Owner

    Loved Logan's Run, yes it was 70's cheese but at its heart was pretty good. I almost forgot Batteries Not Included. I think that along with Cocoon was on top of some of the best 80's sci fi movies.
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