TV T.V. Shows

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Zack Heights, Sep 2, 2013.

  1. The new season of White Collar has been killing me. I used to be able to handle suspense better than this. I'm getting too old and soft hahahahahahahsob.
  2. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    I love The Walking Dead. It's the only show on television right now that I watch the moment it comes out. Everything else is recorded on Tivo and I get around to it whenever I have time. I've been watching Legend of Korra but I don't like it nearly as much as Avatar: The Last Airbender. Actually, the more I see, the less I like it. It was promising in the beginning. I watch Game of Thrones sometimes but I already read the books so it's just a rehash for me.
  3. cash

    cash Newcomer

    Fun fact, most animated series get canceled after three seasons because there's enough episodes or it to have reruns which is so much cheeper. Which if you think about it is probably why Avatar only has three seasons (are they smart?).

    Also ITCrowd, the finally posted up their last episode a few months back which is brilliant! Love Flight of the Choncords, Pushing Daisies, Firefly, American Horror Story, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead, Once Upon a Time, and now I'm drawing a blank.

    Though lately I've been re-watching and making drinking games to Digimon, boy that's fun. Batman Beyond has also became a staple for me during finals in college. Both in netflix. Oh yeah Archer and Bob's Burgers, got the same main voice actor too which it kind of trippy since I always see Bob as Archer running a burger joint while raising three of the most amazing kids ever! And yep, Kristen Schaal is the voice of said children.

    Omg can't forget Psyche, also love watching that during my finals cause I can just listen to it and can visualize their craziness in my head. Yeah I watch it that much.

    Science channel is awesome too (though I don't have it anymore). Get to watch all the different ways the world could end on there. xD

    I could go on forever. ;__; I watch too much tv
  4. Krause

    Krause Newcomer

    The recent ones which have hooked me would be Orange is the New Black, Scandal, Weeds. Some of my old favorites would have to be Buffy, Charmed, Dollhouse, Heroes, Smallville, Misfits, Once Upon A Time, Doctor Wh-- the list won't end, y'all are going to have to stop me.
  5. Oh my god Once Upon A Time this season...

    Also! The new shows!!!? Is anyone else watching Dracula...? I can't help myself ok I tried to ignore it but I can't I have to see all of this ridiculous vampy SteampunkVictorianIDONTEVENKNOWOMG.

    Plus hey Almost Human has Karl Urban on my screen, I'm not sure... is there even dialogue in that show? >.>
  6. Danjeresque

    Danjeresque Newcomer

    I may opening myself up to attack right now, but I can honestly say I haven't watched Doctor Who. At all. But, I do tell people I intend to... some day. Haha.

    Reality t.v. isn't my thing, either. Now, I feel guilty for seemingly lapping this into that category with Doctor Who. Don't worry, that show's probably in good company. I don't have cable and rarely watch anything aside from what's on Netflix, and re-runs of M*A*S*H with my dad.

    However, I did fall in love with American Horror Story. It's kind of up my alley and I know it's not everyone's cup of tea. But I would recommend it to anyone who's into weird, horror flicks.
  7. Spiffy

    Spiffy Newcomer

    Right now I'm a total addict to Steven Universe and Bob's Burgers. Anyone who's typically into cartoons should give them a shot. Sword Art Online is pretty good for any anime lovers, too.
  8. Applegeisha

    Applegeisha Newcomer

    Once Upon a Time
    Agents of Shield
    Vampire Diaries
    Teen Wolf
    The Originals
    Once Upon a Time in Wonderland
  9. Jcc0450

    Jcc0450 Newcomer

    I've played the season 1 game
  10. Firefly/Serenity is of course amazing.
    24 and MI5 are pretty great, for the most part. I love that these two are unpredictable and don't have that terribly annoying main-character-protection that most shows have(Well, Jack Bauer's basically invincible, but you never know if anyone else will live or die).
    Star Trek: The Original Series and Fringe are both fun, though I disliked the final season of each.

    Hm... lesse... I don't really watch many TV shows... aw yeah, and Sherlock. Sherlock is great, can't wait for Season 3 to come out on DVD, I really hope no one spoils it for me before then, as I never watch things as they air.

    So I *think* those are the only TV shows I like. Usually I don't like TV shows because the main cast feels too invincible and the episodes are too formulaic, but all those above save for Star Trek are exceptions to the rule, so they're good :)

    I want to see The Walking Dead, and possible Game of Thrones eventually. Not sure when, but they're on my list.
  11. HowlingInSync

    HowlingInSync Newcomer

    Hmm, I like "Arrow" and "American Horror Story"
  12. Magictallguy

    Magictallguy Newcomer

    Star Trek: Voyager and Ster Trek: The Next Generation.
    I have all episodes on my HDD and watch them almost daily!
  13. LithiYum

    LithiYum Newcomer

    • MTV's Teen Wolf
    It really isn't bad. I know you kind of cringe, because MTV... But I've been with it since season one. I looove it.​

    • The Walking Dead.
    Naturally. I mean, come on, who doesn't like zombies.​

    • House MD.
    Fun fact: Did you know that Greg House was actually a modern, medical Sherlock Holmes? Guess who was his Watson? Wilson! Great show, it's like a grown up Scrubs
    • Scrubs
    Okay, guys. Come on. That show's hilarious and you know it. Funny, though, everyone I know who's ever worked in a hospital says that Scrubs it way closer to what it's like than Grey's Anatomy.​
    • Speaking of Sherlock Holmes. BBC's Sherlock.
    I know it's super popular and people kind of cringe when it's mentioned, but look, guys. It's really good, I swear. Benedict Cumberbatch does SOOOOO WELL with Sherlock. I looooove all of the characters. Even Irene Adler was likeable. And don't get me started on Jim Moriarty, here to party!​

    • Orange is the New Black.
    It's a Netflix series, but not for the faint of heart. If you're easily offended by racial slurs and religious remarks, steer clear of this one. Otherwise, jump on it.​

    • The Big Bang Theory.
    This show is full of nerdy hilarity. Trust me, there is no better kind of hilarity than that.​

    • How I Met Your Mother.
    Bare with me. Main character is kind of annoying. But you watch for Barney Stinson. That dude is Legen.... wait for it.... dary!​
  14. kaz

    kaz Newcomer

    I really like Fosters and Switched at Birth.
  15. Mydlas

    Mydlas Newcomer

    WAlking dead! :D

    I loved broadwalk empire, but I just couldn't find the other seasons and keep on following: it is so long... :C

    I just love Adventure time!
  16. At the moment, I'm watching:
    • How I Met Your Mother's final season (sob...)
    • Brooklyn 99
    • The Big Bang Theory
    • Dollhouse Season 2
    • Arrow
    • Haven (well, I just finished what's available so...)
    • Buffy (from the very beginning. Currently on season 2)
    However, I cannot recommend DOCTOR WHO enough. Any of it, from 1963 to the present, just watch some of it people!
  17. I'm currently making my way through the Being Human (UK) box set. I also adore Sherlock and The Big Bang Theory.

    Steven Moffat is a cruel, cruel man!
  18. Kaia

    Kaia Newcomer

    Lately, I've really been on a Lost Girl kick. It really reminds me of old school shows like Xena or Buffy. Strong female lead with just the right amount of campiness.
    Shriker likes this.
  19. Gypsy

    Gypsy Newcomer

    I enjoy supernatural
  20. Maleficent

    Maleficent Newcomer

    Oh Gosh <3

    Supernatural for sure!
    The Vampire Diaries (I know, I know! Cliche!)
    Love the Crazy Ones (RIP Robin <333)
    Love F.R.I.E.N.D.S
    Everybody Loves Raymond
    Basically anything I can just zone out and have on in the background is a winner.
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