Standard Introduction, I say

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Krause, Dec 3, 2013.

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  1. Krause

    Krause Newcomer

    Hello everyone!

    I am Krause (You pronounce it like cross) and I'm emotionally invested into way too many fandoms and TV shows. It's probably quite unhealthy, I realize this every time I talk about it and then forget when a new episode comes out.

    ANYWAY, I like writing and drawing and I've been doing both for as long as I can remember. Nice to meet everyone :D)
  2. Shriker

    Shriker Shadowlack Owner RPGfix Admin Patron Game Owner

    Welcome, Krause! How do you manage to keep involved with so many fandoms? Tumblr, fanfiction, etc.?
  3. Im sorry, I will forever read your name as kr-ouuw-se (it;s too german to be cross...) Still, welcome!
  4. Krause

    Krause Newcomer

    Inversia, tumblr! and a massive folder of TV shows. I probably don't participate in them as much as I should to call myself a member of the fandom. I make graphics a fair bit when I have the free time and everything too, so that's always fun!

    Daenelia, that's probably the better way to read it! :) I just suck at explaining pronunciations, but yes it's German. :D Pronounce it any way you'd like, dal.
  5. Welcome! I share your emotional attachment to way too many fandoms- and a similar lack of participation in them. lol

    And I'm slightly jealous of anyone with any amount of drawing skill. :)
  6. melodym3

    melodym3 Newcomer

    Nice to have more artists joining RPs. Doodling scenes or characters from them is probably my favorite part.
  7. Krisper

    Krisper Resident Game Owner

    Nice to meet you Krause! Pretty sure it'll be tough for me too to remember to pronounce it "cross". :)
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