How do you find players?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by impulsive, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. impulsive

    impulsive Newcomer Game Owner

    I've been finding it difficult to find a means to share my forums and find new players ever since some of the big-name free resource sites have closed down. Is anyone else experiencing this? Or am I just not acquainted with the area of forums yet?
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    I used to just go site to site and advertise. Now that I only run Discord RPs, I rely on word of mouth. I tell my friends, they tell theirs, etc.
  3. withanm

    withanm Resident Game Owner

    My friends and myself have invited former writing partners to our site. A few of them had new writing partners they invited too. I still do site to site advertising sometimes but I do feel like it really doesn't work.
  4. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    I've gotten some hits advertising site-to-site but I know it's generally considered a waste of time nowadays. I'm branching out to using some tumblr JCINK advertiser sites (which are a common thing apparently?) to try those!
  5. I'd have to agree with some of the above, Word-of-Mouth, seems to be the best without poaching of course. I'd say that getting a solid group and just enjoying yourself while keep putting out feelers on other advertising sites or means is the best approach.
  6. chesherly

    chesherly Newcomer

    We are very fortunate to have a stable core group of members, but we advertise through affiliate buttons, in Discord servers, a few forum directories, and tumblr, so a lot of different venues - casting a wide net, bumping once a month maybe to maintain a presence without it becoming a chore. By far the most reliable long-term recruitment has been word-of-mouth in my experience though.
  7. Nevermore

    Nevermore Newcomer

    Site to site and using the discord servers which allow advertising.