What 3 things can you not live without?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Sere, Sep 27, 2020.

  1. Sere

    Sere Resident Game Owner

    If you were allowed 3 luxury items, what would they be? That means I am assuming food, shelter, etc. is taken care of. Personally my 3 things would be: My dogs, My computer, & My Cellphone.
  2. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    My grandmother
    Beautiful clothes
    My laptop
  3. Lasciel

    Lasciel Newcomer

    Can I just say "The Menagerie" as 1, I have five dogs and cats and would not be able to pick three of them to keep :P
    Laptop and stable internet connection
  4. Jayde

    Jayde Newcomer

    My laptop
    My phone
    my switch and all its games <3
  5. nyxnstyx

    nyxnstyx Newcomer Game Owner

    My family obviously.
    Fountain soda.
    My phone with internet access.
  6. Elysium Soleil

    Elysium Soleil Newcomer Game Owner

    My computer, cell phone and chapstick. (If pets and family members don't "count" and are automatic).
  7. fishbulb

    fishbulb Newcomer Game Owner

    Cats. Books. Chocolate.
  8. fiftyblackroses

    fiftyblackroses Newcomer Game Owner

    Phone, chocolate, my dog
  9. Family (including pets), computer (with internet), and chocolate.
  10. NascentRP

    NascentRP Newcomer

    Animals, music and coffee!
  11. my partner, music, and my phone tbh
  12. My wife, my cellphone, and probably my computer? I'm not sure to be honest - I need to think more about it to really flesh the thoughts out.
  13. withanm

    withanm Resident Game Owner

    My daughter, laptop, and coffee.