How do you find players?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by impulsive, Dec 29, 2024.

  1. impulsive

    impulsive Newcomer

    I've been finding it difficult to find a means to share my forums and find new players ever since some of the big-name free resource sites have closed down. Is anyone else experiencing this? Or am I just not acquainted with the area of forums yet?
  2. SithLordOfSnark

    SithLordOfSnark Resident Game Owner

    I used to just go site to site and advertise. Now that I only run Discord RPs, I rely on word of mouth. I tell my friends, they tell theirs, etc.
  3. withanm

    withanm Resident Game Owner

    My friends and myself have invited former writing partners to our site. A few of them had new writing partners they invited too. I still do site to site advertising sometimes but I do feel like it really doesn't work.
  4. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    I've gotten some hits advertising site-to-site but I know it's generally considered a waste of time nowadays. I'm branching out to using some tumblr JCINK advertiser sites (which are a common thing apparently?) to try those!