Error 77

Discussion in 'Support & Feedback' started by Aenwyn, Jul 26, 2024.

  1. Aenwyn

    Aenwyn Newcomer


    I keep getting an error 77 when I want to submit my site:

    What could be the reason?

    Thanks in advance
  2. Shadowen

    Shadowen Newcomer Game Owner

    We seem to be having the same problem and I can not find a fix either.

    I DO have the proper return link posted in the footer for the site.

    I don't know what else to do.
  3. Matchstix

    Matchstix Newcomer Game Owner

    Did you manage to resolve this? Same issue lol
  4. Shadowen

    Shadowen Newcomer Game Owner

    No, not yet. I Don't know enough about code to even know where to begin.
    Matchstix likes this.
  5. meows

    meows Newcomer Game Owner

    i'm getting this too?
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