To use post templates or not use post templates? That is the question.

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by AlmaMont, Feb 6, 2023.

  1. AlmaMont

    AlmaMont Newcomer Game Owner

    This one is for site admins.

    As someone who has to strain her eyes to read, clear and well made post template options are a godsend. No need to strain against bad colors or neon tones; no need to struggle with trying to scroll on some sidebar that isn't even visible.

    But inevitably, I've also heard the other side of the argument. That pre-made post templates and prohibitions on customized ones restrict creativity; that some players want their post templates to match the vibe of the character.

    What do you think? Should readability across the site be something that can be sacrificed? As an admin, how do you feel about playing with someone who uses a difficult to read/mismatching template for their posts?
  2. Star Army

    Star Army Resident Game Owner

    What is a post template? Serious question. Is that like requiring the date and location at the top of RP posts?
  3. AlmaMont

    AlmaMont Newcomer Game Owner

    A post template is a pre-made, often HTML coded objects roleplayers may use to "frame" their writing.

    Sometimes it can be as simple as a square box of a certain width and font, but I've seen cases where they include all matter of aesthetic imagery, colors that might not jive well with the skin of a forum, etc. They are also sometimes called "thread templates".

    I hope this definition is clear enough! :)
  4. Star Army

    Star Army Resident Game Owner

    My thoughts are:
    • Any time a user sets a font color there's a strong chance their post will be difficult to read on either the light styles or the dark styles the forum offers.
    • Allowing users to put HTML in posts seems like a security risk.
    • Tables in posts might cause issues related to screen widths/responsive mobile layouts
    • Why complicate RP posts? Why would you do that?
    Sometime's it's better when it's simple, and as admin I want my pages to have a consistent look and feel.

    I get the impression post templates can be disruptive. It's like Facebook profiles vs Myspace profiles. Myspace (when is was a thing) allowed much more customization, but 95% of customized pages looked like hot garbage.

    Furthermore the examples I see on JCink often have a post where the text of the actual post is given so little space by the template and the board style that it is like 5-10% of the usable screen area and sometimes only a few words per line. I just can't get behind that. It's more work. It decreases the utility of the site. It's extra.
  5. I am 100% against templates. They are distracting and disruptive, and more often than not difficult to read. If people want to show off their aesthetic, they're welcome to use whatever avatar/profile picture they want and use some freedom on their profile pages themselves, but not in the forum. As an admin I simply have it clearly in the rules that they aren't allowed. If people want to use them, they're welcome to do so somewhere else.
  6. odd

    odd Resident Game Owner

    I'm 100% for them. I'm biased as I'm a graphic designer, but I intentionally code my tables/templates to fit with the mood I'm going for. So for specific characters, I might have dozens of different templates based on how many photoshoots that particular FC has done, etc.

    Even though I know what we're doing is writing and this might seem like cheating, being able to choose a very specific visual for whatever I'm writing gives my writing partner more to go on, I feel. Especially if I'm using a gif in a table of my character, it shows nuances I might not be able to capture in my writing.

    On my site we have a number of people who make tables for people who can't code/don't have the resources, and so far I've only had to give out a few warnings about font being too crazy or the contrast being too low to read. I also have a setting where you can toggle them on/off.
  7. catastrophic

    catastrophic Newcomer

    to use a post template is more idea. i feel like using them just makes everything look nice and pleasing. it aligns it nicely and allows you to sometimes put and image in there and just idk for me it just looks so much nicer!
    odd likes this.
  8. As a person with Visual Accessibility issues, I find it easiest to use a template. The sites I write on uses a series of set templates authorised by the Staff and they work Great, thankfully.
    I've written on some sites where they weren't monitored and struggled hard to read sometimes, whether its a font size issue, a colour contract one, or even font choice sometimes.

    So I'm all for them.
  9. I personally use them, but it is not a requirement at my site, nor is it a requirement at any of the games I do play at. I like to code my own so they are simple, but I like the look and the overall...cleanness it gives the post, otherwise, I get a little chaotic.
  10. Aenwyn

    Aenwyn Newcomer

    I mostly post on my phone, and keeping track of codes on there is a little tiresome. I prefer just a good old blockquote and justify, which looks just as neat, especially if the site has a nice skin.
  11. aine

    aine Newcomer Game Owner

    As a site Admin, I wouldn't want to restrict the ability for my members to use their own templates or pick and choose whatever they want. Mostly because I've been on the other side and I have legitimately decided against joining a site that forced the members to use a pre-determined templates.

    I'm in agreeance that it really strips away the individuality of the character.

    I also like more freedom and flexibility to allow members to use a template or choose not to do so. To use something code-heavy, or hardly-coded.

    Writing is an art of expression, so those are my preferences.

    If I had a chronic problem with my members using templates that physically hurt me to read, I'd probably just make a rule that says staff can ask you to change your posting template if its too contrasting.
  12. justin_polk

    justin_polk Newcomer

    Post templates are really important for games that have a ton of rolls and equipment. If the game system has a competitive shopping aspect to it, or if players are practically encouraged to spreadsheet out their overarching growth, then having the pertinent information to be in the same spot from character to character is really nice.

    Even in life, if in doubt, I prefer structured documents.
  13. Matchstix

    Matchstix Newcomer

    I personally dislike templates as they can become cluttered and unreadable really fast, and some of them inevitably clash with each other or the site skins. However, if writers want them I don't see any reason to stop them, unless they do something wild like break the skin.