Coffee or tea?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Daenelia, Aug 25, 2013.


Tea or Coffee

  1. Tea

    103 vote(s)
  2. Coffee

    95 vote(s)
  3. Water?

    32 vote(s)
  1. sef

    sef Newcomer

    tea... but i like coffee. also love water !!!!!
  2. Dew

    Dew Newcomer

    Neither! I prefer hot chocolate. XD
  3. Gwendalyn

    Gwendalyn Newcomer

    tea for sure
  4. Aenwyn

    Aenwyn Newcomer

    I can't handle caffeine well... So it's mostly water and tea for me, or decaf iced coffee!
  5. impulsive

    impulsive Fresh Blood

    I chose tea but I do like coffee in the morning and cold brewing tea for the rest of the day.
  6. peach_soda

    peach_soda Newcomer

    I casted my vote for coffee but... lowkey gotta hand this one to tea if we are counting boba and whatnot. Coffee's good for productivity tho
  7. Shade

    Shade Newcomer

    Definitely coffee!