When is Too Much, "Too Much"?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Mister Karma, Sep 6, 2017.

  1. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    So, while perusing the internet for some proper communities to join in my spare time, I tend to go on tangents where I just start joining random things and before I know it, I have too many memberships, too many dedications, too many commitments, and they all come crashing down on me. Usually, it's around five RP boards, two random communities, and several Twitch chats. I'm trying to limit it to two RP's, one community, one directory, and a select amount of Twitch channels to frequent.

    That being said, what do you all feel is too much on your plate when perusing the web? Me, it's when obligations on sites I'm not as frequent on interfere with my own obligations to my own sites and larger communities I am a part of, if that vagueness makes any sense...
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  2. Hebe

    Hebe Newcomer Game Owner

    I have found that the maximum number of rpgs I can manage is 3 - normally there is a main game that I have multiple, active characters. And then I'm minimally active on the other games. It does depend on the games too. A lot of times, the reason I'm minimally active is because the game doesn't have a way to interact with the other players easily. When a game has a chat room to go to and learn about the other players IRL, that makes it more interesting too.

    I have no idea what a twitch channel is...
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  3. Verridith

    Verridith QUEEN of GOLD !! Game Owner

    It really depends on the person and what time they have available; for me, I have pretty decent time management, but a busy job and household, so I have to balance on that. I limit myself to only one role-play forum, though I can be in multiple communities for various things and not feel bad if I go a few hours/days without saying anything because I am busy with my own forum or IRL duties. This may not work for everybody, but it works for me! (:
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  4. Mister Karma

    Mister Karma Resident Game Owner

    Channel where gamers stream live on the internet while others watch. It's fun at times, but it really all depends on who's doing what game. Whole other ballgame, if you ask me.
  5. Achera

    Achera Newcomer

    I totally get this! I used to join a few communities at a time or even one every so often even though I didn't have the time for that! I've learned to take it all in slow moderation. I try not to join too many things if I know I can't even get into it more than just some casual conversation. Right now, I limit myself to one board even though there's another that I've been eyeing, but I'm trying to be good xD I just know I'd join and then disappear because I have too much going on.

    For me, my site will always come first when it comes to the internet. That along with self-promotion, branding, etc. for my artwork and design. Afterwards, the rest is usually just eaten away with RL things so it's hard to get a nice balance so I totally get you xD
    Mister Karma likes this.
  6. Sammiie
    Cracking up

    Sammiie Newcomer Game Owner

    FFFF. I struggle with this, too. I just don't know how to say "no".

    Right now, I'm a part of 3 total sites. The one is my main, where I'm most active, there's a secondary where I have more characters than I should, and the tertiary where I should be more active on because it's a start-up site. Activity attracts people.

    My maximum, I think right now, should be two, each with a controlled amount of characters.

    I think my problem is that I find a site I really like, and I take on too many characters. And then I'm just drowning in threads. And once RP feels like a chore, I drag my ass to reply to threads and lose all sorts of muse. It's a constant struggle. I blame my inspiration. xD
    Elena likes this.
  7. RachD
    Caffeine Fix

    RachD Resident Game Owner

    I used to frequent multiple sites but for the last few years, I've moderated one or two at a time and that keeps me very busy. After all, you have to make sure stories get driven and NPCs get played and the admin duties get fulfilled. I suppose the juggle is won when you have different kinds of games - each having pace that works well with your lifestyle. Some want a few sentences in reply weekly or more, some expect a few paragraphs every couple of weeks, some expect a book, but you only post monthly...

    How do I know when enough is enough for me? When I feel stressed about it or overwhelmed - when I should be having fun.

    Thing is, if you aren't having fun with it, maybe it's time for a break or even a new setting altogether. It may have nothing to do with the site itself, it could just be you/me or what's happening IRL now as compared to when I joined. RL happens. Moods change.

    I know as a moderator, I would prefer a writer come to me so we can work out how to clean up his/her cast of characters in my group so it's more manageable than for them to just drop out with no notice. Sometimes LOAs are needed. Sometimes, people just have too many characters and need to drop one or two or three...lol.

    Elena and Meow like this.
  8. Zahara Dessert

    Zahara Dessert Newcomer Game Owner

    I think it depends on the expectations of the different communities you join too... I'm probably on too many sites now, but I love them all and I just can't quit it... I did manage to say no to another site the other day tho... very proud of myself!
    Elena likes this.
  9. Elllie

    Elllie Newcomer

    I can hardly support 1 site under my belt, although that's simply because I have about 7 characters on the site I'm currently on. However, if I kept it to about 3-4 characters I could probably manage 2-3 boards.
  10. White Diamond

    White Diamond Newcomer Game Owner

    It's good to just go at your own pace, maybe 2-3 rps at best as when it comes down to responsibility your overall well being is what truly matters.
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  11. odd

    odd Resident Patron Game Owner

    Honestly I can really only commit to one at a time or else I feel like I can't be fully committed to the story and overall narrative.
  12. inkbone

    inkbone Newcomer

    I envy most of you. I can't handle more than one roleplay, muse-wise... and I need to be careful with how many threads I commit myself, too, as well. And while I do not use twitch, I am in quite a few discord channels. Those don't seem to affect me, responsibility-wise... even if I moderate/own a handful. Most - if not all - of my members are sweet and well behaved c:
  13. aalyoshka

    aalyoshka Newcomer Game Owner

    I've always struggled with trying to figure out how much is the perfect balance for me when it comes to sites. My main issue is normally that I'll be plodding along just fine on maybe like three sites, and then out of nowhere I'll decide to make a new character somewhere which just completely brings my whole system crashing down. But then at the same time it'll depend on how fast paced those places are. At the moment, I have one main site where I spend my time and have four characters, whilst at the same time managing two other places where I only have one, and since those other two are a lot smaller and less fast-paced than my main site, I can handle it with no problems, whereas if they grew in size I would probably find myself struggling with only one person. So it sort of all depends on the speed of the place and just how easily I can maintain a group of characters with the posting quantity requirements, basically.
  14. lexibean

    lexibean Newcomer

    I have a bit of trouble with running games! Sometimes I end up running three at once, and while I love it and have endless ideas for all of them, managing prep every week, esp for tabletop, can overwhelm me. I try to keep it down to two game I'm running and one or two I'm playing in.
  15. MagicMike

    MagicMike Newcomer

    I'd say its too much when you find yourself having insufficient time or if it really cuts into your personal life. Then it's better to get your priorities in order.
  16. Gothic

    Gothic Newcomer Game Owner

    When I find myself stressed out far more than I am enjoying the site or I can't really keep track of anything. Usually it means that I need to drop some characters or refocus my energy. This doesn't happen to me as often these days because I have learned to manage my time a lot better than I used to.
    RachD likes this.
  17. Somniac

    Somniac Resident Game Owner

    I can handle a few social/gathering sites, since there's no real obligation of fast output. For actual sit-down-and-write sites though, I think I can divide my attention between two without people having to wait eons for a post.

    It's an addictive hobby, but I need to have downtime for other creative pursuits as well.
    RachD likes this.
  18. kraken

    kraken Newcomer

    I'm a one site kinda person. Always have been, always will be.
  19. Gwendalyn

    Gwendalyn Newcomer

    I hear most people around me who have the max of 4, tho I have done several (like 6) at the same time, I find 1 enough for now. It gives me more focus and I can truly enjoy that one place.
  20. Aenwyn

    Aenwyn Newcomer

    It depends on my muse. I have a lot of characters, and am on a lot of sites. I enjoy it though! It's a hobby, so nobody should overwork themselves.