Preference for RP?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by cyclops, Mar 12, 2016.


RP Medium

  1. Forum

  2. Email

  3. Live Chat (IM or IRC)

  4. Live Meat-Space (Tabletop)

  1. I prefer forums! Unless I'm specifically doing a TTRPG like Dnd. Those I prefer to do in person or via Discord/Roll 20.
  2. Ride or die for forums
  3. attatar

    attatar Newcomer

    I also prefer forums
  4. heyyyjude

    heyyyjude Newcomer

    Forums are definitely preferrable. I've done through discord and chat before, and even a shared word doc - but forums I feel like give you the atmosphere almost like you're somewhere else. With the different boards, graphics and such. Also, I like the community that some sites have, that usually boosts my muse being able to chat with the people that are around me, even if we don't have characters interacting.
  5. MeganChan

    MeganChan Resident Game Owner

    I like doing them on forums. Though back in the day I loved doing them through instant messagers.
  6. odd

    odd Resident Game Owner

  7. Chan

    Chan Newcomer

    I prefer forums, but I have done a Fair bit through Google docs too. It's not ideal but works in a pinch.
  8. impulsive

    impulsive Fresh Blood

    I prefer forums but find the accessibility on discord overwhelming. I've had instances where other players feel entitled to your time on there even though I'm also in other servers. Where as forums have that separation of being on or off the forum.
  9. PainterInsomniac

    PainterInsomniac Fresh Blood

    Forums make it so neat and I personally love being able to read other people's work
  10. Shade

    Shade Newcomer

    I've only done forum rp, and the other types don't appeal to me as much.
  11. Ren

    Ren Newcomer

    I come from an MMORPG (WoW/XIV) roleplay background, however, I have been RPing on forums since 2015 and never really looked back and prefer them to everything else by far. The slower pace and chance to write longer posts than on a game are so lovely, and I can read what other people are doing story-wise as well. That being said, I have done a few short Discord RPs with friends - and before that, AIM ;) Showing my age a little there, haha!
  12. monbebe

    monbebe Newcomer

    definitely forum based though have done a touch of im/discord based rping. still very much prefer forum based though
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