RPGs you miss?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by PBEMsuggest, Mar 2, 2019.

  1. Vee

    Vee Newcomer Game Owner

    I can't remember the links, but there are so many that I was on and they died. Not all of them were forums, but some were... Tynastera is one I remember pretty fondly, despite the ups-and-downs.
  2. Super DB Universe

    Super DB Universe Newcomer Game Owner

    I used to run a very active and successful RPG called "The Legendary DBZ RPG" or (LDR) for short. I miss those days, I didn't create it but I kept it running after initial shut down for about 5 more years.
  3. An old Classic Megaman forum RP called Robot Haven. It was small but I met a few friends there that have been my friends to this day and the actual rp was more than fun enough to keep me invested and actively posting.
  4. mythus

    mythus Newcomer Game Owner

    I miss the old yahoo clubs RP's. Or maybe, I just miss that time period, when I had less to worry about and could just play, participate, and create my own. One I remember being into was very large as far as yahoo club RP's go, and the name had something or another to do with damsel. But I can't remember more than that.

    I also miss my old forum RP's. I had let life get in the way and all...
    Shriker likes this.
  5. Vass

    Vass Fresh Blood

    I second that about the old yahoo groups and clubs. Those PBEMs where what got me started writing, there's lots of new technologies out there, but something about those old groups just ... maybe makes me feel nostalgic?
    mythus likes this.
  6. Iztak

    Iztak Resident Game Owner

    There was this original sci-fi setting RP called, like, Black Sun or something. This was like 15 years ago but it had space alien vampires and I watched in awe the sidelines with my artificial gravity mechanic who was in debt to loan sharks the space vampire girlfriend admins just have a great time. Yes, I miss that one!
    Shriker likes this.
  7. havfine

    havfine Newcomer

    One I miss was a silly, HP parody. It was from more than 10 years ago, and at that time i was afraid of people adopting my characters, so when I left a place, I often deleted my characters. It was 100% just ridiculous fun.
  8. North

    North Newcomer

    It's been ages now, and I don't think it exists any longer, but one of the first play by post rpgs I was part of was called Linger. It was a supernatural, werewolf/vampire/shapshifter world that was just a great little community and very dark. I miss it
  9. hitokuchiroleplay

    hitokuchiroleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    For me it was a site called Rorupurei T-T I miss it so much I'm trying to recreate it lol.
  10. NOXRPS

    NOXRPS Newcomer

    Something I missed the most was a Hogwarts-centric HP rp. Most of the sites I was finding had a focus on adults and the wizarding world in general. Which is awesome, its not something explored in the books so I love that its a thing now. I really missed playing a student, attending classes, quidditch and all the things that come with starting out your characters magical journey. Its a genre I started roleplaying on so there's a bunch of nostalgia fuelling this particular want.

    I ended up making a site just like this because I couldn't find anything.
  11. Artemis89

    Artemis89 Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man, there's two, and one of them I can't even properly remember the name of. Both were darker fantasy takes. One I remember reminding me a lot of Morrowind. It had a two-word name of some kind. I was never active on it but I would lurk often. the other one was called Abstract Crystals and I just. Have never forgotten either. Both were avidgamers forums, EARLY early avidgamers.
  12. bluejay

    bluejay Newcomer

    the very first forum i ever RPed on as a kid. i don't "miss" it in the sense that i would want to go back to it if it were still around now, but i do have some nostalgia looking back on it. i think that's part of why forum rp appeals to me. it makes it feel like i'm back on the old internet. it looks like that particular site died in 2009, when i would have been like 14. crazy to think it's been that long. but apparently the comic that inspired it is still going, which is kind of unbelievable. i don't have any interest in reading it because i think it's too kiddy for me now, but in a way, it's nice to see the artist still going
  13. Navarre

    Navarre Newcomer

    LLTS (Look to the Stars) an Equine fantasy RPG on MYBB. I loved the concept and it was really neat. Dx Sadly things turned where they had to shut down and close but they are still fondly in my memory.
  14. WestRose

    WestRose Newcomer

    Hunger Games Role Plays 100%
  15. Rayo

    Rayo Newcomer

    I spent the most time on an equine RPG site called Helovia. They're no longer around, and I miss it desperately (although I am still able to RP with friends from that site elsewhere now, which is amazing!).
  16. knifeskunk

    knifeskunk Newcomer

    I don't know if its still around but there was an X-Men board I helped run back in the day. Was there for 10 years almost. Helped staff it for a while. Wound up leaving bc of RL priorities.
  17. kraken

    kraken Newcomer

    Really loved reading through these posts to see if there were any game names I "recognised" - only Retrograde is one I ever heard of. Funny how some games come and go quickly, and others stick around.
    I also really chimed with what someone said in the thread about "trying to replicate something from a certain time with certain people on a certain site". That's an experience I've had many times over, and what took me away from forum roleplaying for years - because I just couldn't replicate the feeling and a lot of sites started and stopped just as I began to get established characters set up and a foothold with my plots.

    Anyway, I genuinely miss a site I ran ages ago. twenty-five point program (or 25pp). a great site.
  18. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    Oh man!! I remember Helovia, Hoofprince (I think it was called?), Chronicles of Ridet, Risdien (I forget the name of it but its world was called that).

    There was a really fun one based on having a daemon as an extension of your soul. They were separate creatures from you but you were linked.

    So many of them were horse based. haha
  19. Sage_Xalcen

    Sage_Xalcen Newcomer

    Very few RPs. More the RPers IMO that came with those sites if that makes sense.
  20. chesherly

    chesherly Newcomer

    I really miss Le Cirque Noir, it was a wonderful forum-based rp inspired by Something Wicked This Way Comes (1983). A cursed circus where all the performers/workers were immortal but could never leave. I spent around six years there until it closed some eight years ago.