Favorite RP Genre

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Carv, Aug 6, 2016.

  1. SF and SFF primarily, though I have really come to enjoy fantasy as of these last few years.
  2. knifeskunk

    knifeskunk Newcomer

    Marvel (typically street level) and Urban Fantasy. Anything with powers. I can do certain kinds of slice of life, too, but those first two are my absolute favorites.
  3. Chan

    Chan Newcomer

    Fantasy + anything! As long as there's magic I am happy
  4. Dew

    Dew Newcomer

    Fantasy hands down. I don't want it to be similar to real life. XD
  5. I like a lot of different genres. Lately, a lot of what I do is either modern day with fantasy elements or science fiction. I really like deconstructed games. Deconstructed fantasy or science fiction or superheroes.
  6. Gwendalyn

    Gwendalyn Newcomer

    Fantasy with a bit of horror!
  7. onelittlespark

    onelittlespark Fresh Blood

    I love fiction, particularly Harry Potter and Game of Thrones. I also enjoy Disney.
  8. monbebe

    monbebe Newcomer

    hp and kpop
  9. liayda

    liayda Newcomer Game Owner

    Medieval fantasy has always been a big one for me. Or some type of super powers! I love magic
  10. BlueLime

    BlueLime Newcomer

    I love fantasy in general, but urban/supernatural fantasy has to be my favorite. Bonus points if it has some light horror elements.
  11. withanm

    withanm Resident Game Owner

    Supernatural based rpgs, preferably kept to a town or city that has an extensive lore surrounding it.
  12. raoristeri

    raoristeri Newcomer Game Owner

    I really enjoy fantasy. I love dragons! I definitely like horror as well and try to incorporate that into my "lore" for my characters.
  13. Low Fantasy or Cyberpunk
  14. Nevermore

    Nevermore Newcomer

    Urban fantasy, supernatural creatures and anything that lets me explore mythology
  15. chesherly

    chesherly Newcomer

    Post-apoc has been my wheelhouse for a while, but urban fantasy has a special place in my heart too.