Are you a dark or light site theme lover?

Discussion in 'Game Design' started by Shriker, Nov 26, 2018.


What sort of sites themes do you enjoy?

  1. Light-based

    4 vote(s)
  2. Dark-based

    28 vote(s)
  3. Light-based with optional "night mode"

    9 vote(s)
  4. No preference

    3 vote(s)
  1. IAmTheNight1986

    IAmTheNight1986 Newcomer Game Owner

    For me, this one is hard to answer. If the role play is supposed to be dark, than I would prefer a dark sight. If the theme is more light hearted than it just makes sense for it to be bright.
  2. fishbulb

    fishbulb Newcomer Game Owner

    I love light modes but I know it hurts a lot of people's eyes, so I made both versions. The dark mode was challenging for me though, I couldn't tell if it looked good or not since I really prefer light.
  3. Zozma

    Zozma Spider Demon Game Owner

    Lately, I've been finding it actually depends. I like to have a light mode in the day and a dark mode for night.
  4. Tartle

    Tartle Resident Game Owner

    Generally I like a dark theme with light mode available. Simply because it is easier to see things on a device if I am out and about - less glare.
  5. c.widow

    c.widow Newcomer Game Owner

    I like the option of both.

    I use dark modes when there is little lighting around me, its less strain on the eye. However, I tend use light mode more than dark mode because I work more during the day but in the evenings I tend to have at least one light on.

    If I had to choose an initial preference I'd say light mode but if there is no dark mode option on said theme, I much prefer sites that offer an alternate theme you can switch to for darker colors.
  6. I like either, it depends on how it's done honestly. While dark skins are usually easier on the eyes, sometimes the color and font choices make it impossible to read. On the other hand, light themes do not have to be white, just lighter colors and there's usually more variety on them without making them unreadable.
  7. nemesi5

    nemesi5 Newcomer

    I had to vote for “light with optional night mode” because my favorite is technically the opposite: Dark mode with optional light mode. Get you a site that can do both. I love dark mode, but I especially love me a good light/dark mode toggle.
  8. I find dark to be far easier on the eyes. Especially if you're going to be staring at the same page for a bit as you try and think about what to write.
  9. odd

    odd Resident Patron Game Owner

    * light *
  10. Honey

    Honey Newcomer

    Dark - if it has a dark theme, I smash that tab so hard IDEC what it actually looks like haha
  11. odd

    odd Resident Patron Game Owner

    I have never loved you less
    Honey likes this.