Do you allow members to create the same character everywhere?

Discussion in 'Management' started by SinfilledJay, Sep 15, 2017.

  1. Divia

    Divia Newcomer

    If you mean the same name, appearance, personality - then yes. Of course, the bio or character history has to be edited to fit whatever new RP environment the character will move around in - but otherwise, if I'm really attached to the character and enjoy playing them, I try to re-use them whenever possible.
  2. jawbone

    jawbone Fresh Blood

    i have three or four characters that i just mold to fit whatever site or situation i'm joining at that point. there's no way to really stop people from doing this anyway; policing what other sites they're using that character on sounds tiring at best.
  3. odd

    odd Resident Game Owner

    I think i'd always prefer originality, but where muse is concerned, sometimes slipping on a character that you know well is just...the easier thing to do. That said I know sometimes sites make it more or less easy to bring in that sort of established character.

    When my site first started we allowed "outlanders" to just appear so that you could literally just migrate your OC over. Once we hit year 4 and felt established enough we did away with that because it felt unnecessary given how much lore we'd built up.
  4. Cootie

    Cootie Newcomer Game Owner

    Most of the time that never has seemed to cause any problems for me. I’ve seen people want to play canon characters from other media but just turn them into animals and whatnot to fit the RP, and while it was never actively encouraged to do that, they seemed to integrate them well!
  5. LinoWillingham

    LinoWillingham Fresh Blood

    Totally agree with you, the character should be unique everywhere.

    NOXRPS Newcomer

    I don't see a problem with people doing this. Also its not something you can really police, their own original ideas are just that and they're free to do what they like with them.

    That being said, I did once have a problem with someone doing this but it was likely a very isolated incident. I had someone join one of my sites, it was a fantasy site with its own lore & such. They joined, adapted their character for the site. They were very open about how they play this character everywhere they go. The only issue that came up was they frequently wanted to do things that didn't fit with the lore of the site. They did ask if they could but it was overwhelming the amount of messages I received from them. It sounded like they just wanted something particular for their character, liked the basics of the setting but wanted to mould everything to make their character special.

    X site let me do this with them can I do it? Or can they have X abilities. Can they not age because of XYZ. Or I did X with them in the past can I do it here?

    This can happen with any character though I think. As long as someone is into the setting and wants to adapt their character to the lore of the new site I think its totally fine.
    odd likes this.
  7. majoreave

    majoreave Newcomer Game Owner

    I.. don't understand why that would be something I control? I mean, if it's a site canon that was made by the staff specifically for the game, I would be hesitant to let them take those details that were established by the staff, but the rest of the character is theirs??? Originals and canons can be played on any site, because my site doesn't own them.
    Aphachea likes this.
  8. Aphachea

    Aphachea Newcomer Game Owner

    I think it's fun seeing how others shape their characters into the site lore. Sure, it's probably more work in their part but if that's their muse that's their muse. I won't take away something they've worked on for ages and might be excited to play out. The characters can develop differently wherever they're placed c:
  9. No, with the exception if they are willing to make major changes to said character to make it congruent with the world/lore presented in the game. Original characters, especially made for the game/universe, will always be preferable.
    odd likes this.