How do you choose a thread title?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by KatherineEspair, Aug 9, 2014.

  1. fishbulb

    fishbulb Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm pretty bad at titles. I try to pick something that fits with the setting/topic of the RP, but if nothing comes to mind - a song lyric, usually whatever song inspires me while I'm writing for that character.
  2. fiftyblackroses

    fiftyblackroses Newcomer Game Owner

    This is definitely something I struggle with the most! Usually I pick from song lyrics or titles, but I saw someone mention they use poetry. I really like that idea!
  3. Kendra

    Kendra Newcomer

    My titles usually come after I've typed the starter. I consider them a sort of hint as to what the post is about.
  4. RedSky

    RedSky Newcomer Game Owner

    Song lyrics or just whatever comes to mind
  5. kiki8893

    kiki8893 Fresh Blood

    I also type the starter first, then try and find some sort of phrase in the post I like to use. Or, if there isn't anything, I google "Phrases with" and then add a random word I think represents the post. Rhyme Zone has named many of my threads haha!
  6. Pox924

    Pox924 Newcomer

    In my game, we have a song theme for each gameday and thread titles are chosen from the lyrics. We try to match the theme to what's happening in that gameday too, just to tie it in a little bit.
  7. Bowie

    Bowie Newcomer Game Owner

    typically its from my head or if I got no thoughts I go with songs / lyrics that can fit the theme
  8. AlmaMont

    AlmaMont Newcomer Game Owner

    I look at my spotify Liked songs, and see if any speaks to me. Otherwise, I begin to listen to Diablo Swing Orchestra and pick out a line that seems to work. Tbh, I don't give thread titles THAT much weight or thought. It's what's on the inside that counts.
  9. Johnny

    Johnny Newcomer Game Owner

    I usually snipe song lyrics, but sometimes I’m struck with a random snap of prose I wouldn’t be able to use anywhere else
  10. Kiwi

    Kiwi Newcomer

    Honestly just the first words that come to mind, often quite cliche phrases or song lyric titles! For some characters I have a list of quotes or song lyrics that relate to their personality; for others I just go with whatever!
  11. Artemis89

    Artemis89 Newcomer Game Owner

    I used to try really hard for good thread titles but after twenty years I stopped caring and now i make bangers like "cheez-its"
  12. storynsong

    storynsong Newcomer

    Alright this got me laughing.
    I'm a fan of the, one or two vague, broad words that can pretty much describe anything about the thread. Like, "it's true" could work for a sad thread or a romantic thread. just as an example.

    Song titles/lyrics are good sometimes, but man, does anyone else lose HOURS on Spotify trying to find The Perfect One? Can only do that when there's time to spare.
    Artemis89 likes this.
  13. Artemis89

    Artemis89 Newcomer Game Owner

    This is why I try to limit myself from using quotes or lyrics, because I will get LOST in the rabbit hole
  14. I struggle so badly trying to balance describing what the thread is about and making it interesting. Puns, wordplay, and quotes are my go-to. But I'm terrible at it.
  15. Honestly I sometimes google “random song lyric” and stick a year on the end of that.
  16. song lyrics are always reliable - even if it takes 30 minutes to find the right mix of tone and length to stay within the character limit!

    I'm partial to puns, myself, especially for threads that will be lighter in tone :3

    Or sometimes I'm able to come up with a phrase that alludes to the tone I'm trying to set without being too specific. That's a lot more work, though, unless I get hit with an epiphany!
  17. Siren

    Siren Newcomer Game Owner

    I mainly use song lyrics. I just try to find something that fits the vibe of what I think the thread will be. If it's just a random thread, then it's just random lyrics.
  18. Rayo

    Rayo Newcomer

    I like to use random lyrics. Usually it will be from whatever song I happen to be listening to, but for particularly emotional threads, I might hand-pick a specific song!
  19. sef

    sef Newcomer

    usually by a song that is playing or just make it up. randomly
  20. knifeskunk

    knifeskunk Newcomer

    I swear 9/10 times for me it's just song lyrics, or a line I want to use in the thread at some point. Also bad puns. I had a thread once concerning a leaked video tape exposing somebody's evil plot and it was called "Playback is a B*tch* and everyone hated me for it.