What is a character type you want to see?

Discussion in 'Role-Play Discussion' started by Aisling, Oct 8, 2020.

  1. Aisling

    Aisling Newcomer Game Owner

    What sort of character have you NOT seen that you would LOVE to see?
    I am always looking for those sorts of ideas that are unique that dont show up much.
  2. NessaXO

    NessaXO Newcomer Game Owner

    Hmmm, I'd have to say a good villain.

    Complex, charming yet horrible at the same time. The kind your both terrified by but can't help but want to see what they do next. Unpredictable. I see a lot of "My guy is bad cause luls" characters with no depth and it saddens me.
  3. Arizona

    Arizona Newcomer Game Owner

    I love characters who have actual, human complexity--good or bad. Even cliche archetypes can really come to life if they're actually given relatable traits. The sympathetic villain and anti-hero are two of my absolute favorites, though, and I have yet to see them done properly on a site.
  4. Aphachea

    Aphachea Newcomer Game Owner

    Villains that have an actual life outside doing bad or just being those dark, brooding types. What's your guy do all day? Sit around and be sad? Does he eat? Does he not have a hobby he enjoys? How does he make his money to afford where he stays and stuff? What's his favorite food? I think this happens with a lot of characters starting off, where people create them and can't seem to see them anywhere outside of edgy evil guy. Give them some sort of life, please.
  5. AlmaMont

    AlmaMont Newcomer Game Owner

    I love it when a character is grappling with the consequences of their actions. Give me a haunted woman, wondering how life would have been if she hadn't chosen to escalate during a fight; or, a man grappling with duty and desire, discovering just how thin a line it is, and having to figure out where he's going. I like taking those ordinary, sometimes taken-for-granted things and questions about everyday life, and developing these stories that reveal the true depth of it all.

    So yes. Take the normal person and 'em a mythic treatment.
  6. I fully agree with everyone about a complex villain. I want to see more villains where it can be difficult to distinguish if they are truly in the right or wrong. Villains where they have a point and are genuinely relatable and it leads to other characters struggling with their own sense of morality and justice.