Dogs or Cats?

Discussion in 'Chatterbox' started by Stormhelm Kingdom, Jul 22, 2016.


Are you more of a dog or cat person?

  1. Dog

  2. Cat

  1. Jayde

    Jayde Newcomer

    Cat all the way!
    They may be rude and do whatever they want, but they are cuddly floof balls <3
  2. nyxnstyx

    nyxnstyx Newcomer Game Owner

    I am such a cat person but I still have 3 dogs (I also have 4 cats) but there is just something about cats...I love their sass and their independence. Like I need that negativity and reality check in my life that comes from cats.
  3. yoloiam

    yoloiam Newcomer

  4. IAmTheNight1986

    IAmTheNight1986 Newcomer Game Owner

    Wow, very close. I actually do have both a dog and a cat. They are my babies!
  5. Elysium Soleil

    Elysium Soleil Newcomer Game Owner

    Love all kinds of cats. But I do love dogs as well.
  6. DFedora

    DFedora Newcomer Game Owner

    Dogs, all the way! I do love cats when I meet them, but I've been a dog owner since my childhood and unless I could get a cat that gets along with the two I have right now (and they don't chase it!), I don't see myself getting one anytime soon.
  7. BettyBigD

    BettyBigD Fresh Blood

    I love them both pretty equally but I have four dogs and one cat lol
  8. Choosing one is nearly impossible. XD I love both.
  9. hitokuchiroleplay

    hitokuchiroleplay Newcomer Game Owner

    Cats are like kids for me, better to go enjoy someone else's cause at the end of the day they're not yours to take care of lol.
  10. silvyfish

    silvyfish Newcomer Game Owner

    Cats! You can tell a lot about someone's understanding of consent by how they feel about cats, I think.
  11. Imagecorrupted

    Imagecorrupted Newcomer Game Owner

    I'm going to go with both. I love dogs and I adore cats, so I'm just an animal person. xD
  12. white_sand_empire

    white_sand_empire Newcomer Game Owner

    Easy choice, cats.
  13. Divia

    Divia Newcomer

    Def. a dog person - although I admire cats greatly (I've 2 cats and 1 dog, currently). A dog usually gives his love and devotion freely, but with a cat, you have to earn it. They do not give their respect freely or easily.
  14. Peaky-Blinder

    Peaky-Blinder Newcomer Game Owner

    Both. I've always grown up with both. And adore them both. But if I had to choose, dogs all the way. Such funny personalities, and so loving -not just on their own terms like my cats have always tended to be haha- and I for one actually enjoy the walks in the bad weather. It clears away the brain fog.
  15. ladyquack

    ladyquack Newcomer Game Owner

    I grew up with cats, but only have dogs now, so I like both.
  16. majoreave

    majoreave Newcomer Game Owner

    There wasn't the option to pick both, so I chose dog, simply because they aren't little buttheads like cats can be sometimes.
  17. bluejay

    bluejay Newcomer

    if there was an option for birds, i'd pick that, but between the two, i prefer dogs. no shade to cats, but they make my skin freak out
  18. Sway

    Sway Newcomer

    If I had to choose, I would choose a dog... but I have 3 dogs and 2 cats, so I like both!
  19. shark

    shark Newcomer

    I love my cats, and other people's dogs
  20. I love dogs so much <3 but I'm allergic to cats, so that makes it easy XD
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