1. Looking for a specific type of game, someone to roleplay with, pre-created character roles for your game, staff members, new affiliates, or more? We've got you covered.

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Closed A Sandbox RPG is Looking for active Mods

Discussion in 'Wanted Classifieds' started by Salya, Sep 10, 2020.

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  1. Salya

    Salya Newcomer Game Owner

    Site name: Tainted Onez
    Site link: https://toz.taintedwings.xyz
    Genre: Fantasy, Sandbox, panfadom
    Forum type: Mybb,
    Rate: Teen to YA

    Summary: Tainted Onez is a Sandbox/panfandom RP site made by SalyaDarken and her late-best friend, in hopes to make a forum for everyone and offer more then just normal boring things. So we added forum gold, collectables and awards as bumpers and graphics for active members.
    The RPG areas are set up as planets, to give the members freedom to play about with their own mini RPs, since there is no true main RP. Each planet gets it's own RP events and stories which allows members to add to over time.
    The other areas are set up as Zones, From the Libraries of Ra(stories), Design(Graphics), LUNA(Coding) and more.

    The problem: Well Tainted Onez is two years old and is still in the beginning stage and we are suffering for it. TOZ, short for Tainted Onez, is a small community due to being so unique as far Sandbox rpgs go, and and those who have stuck with TOZ this long are with us to role play/graphics/etc and have no interest in staff related duties.

    What we're looking for: a LOT of mods... but for now, a few mods would be nice. Those which you can see this link here.

    To conclude: If you are someone who loves the idea of TOZ and wish to help us out with new ideas, events and such, then please do! You can drop me a DM on discord at SalyaDarken#5992 letting me know you're interested. I look forward to hearing from you! ^^
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2025
  2. Salya

    Salya Newcomer Game Owner

    updated a bit.
  3. Salya

    Salya Newcomer Game Owner

    staff page over on my forum was updated. And I'm still looking for staff members. ^_^
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