How did you hear/find out about RPGfix?

Discussion in 'Introduce Yourself' started by Shriker, Aug 23, 2013.


How did you find out about RPGfix?

  1. Search engine

  2. A friend

  3. Another website had a link

  4. Other

  1. Sivvi

    Sivvi Newcomer

    WritingHome RPG sent me here via a vote link. Trying to boost the site and was able to have my vote count more just by signing up.
  2. Jessieberu

    Jessieberu Newcomer

    I found yall on someone's affiliate section!
  3. Agent_D_WIB

    Agent_D_WIB Newcomer

    I don't actually remember how I came across this site, but I had a link bookmarked to a thread listing advertising sites. As I have the bandwidth to actually look into advertising my RPG again, I clicked on it to see if it still existed and it was! So I really don't remember, probably a search engine at the time...but doesn't matter , I am here now :P
  4. soar

    soar Newcomer Game Owner

    I found the link on another site! :")
  5. Squishy24601

    Squishy24601 Resident Game Owner

    I'm actually a member of Absinthe and we vote for it every day on here so that's how I found out about this site :D
  6. Miss

    Miss Fresh Blood

    I was told a little about it from a friend and I had seen it with other forums I was a part of
  7. Lasciel

    Lasciel Newcomer

    All hail the mighty Google!
  8. Forum voting sent me here, pretty neat place and it's always interesting to see who the active RPGs are!
  9. Lani

    Lani Newcomer

    A friend sent me your link on Discord and bam! Now I'm here :D
  10. Jabberwookie

    Jabberwookie Fresh Blood

    I found my link through RPG-D
  11. Elysium Soleil

    Elysium Soleil Newcomer Game Owner

    Searching through RP sites and looking for places to advertise my RP site to.
  12. DFedora

    DFedora Newcomer Game Owner

    I actually found RPGfix through the button at the bottom of several forums. :)
  13. fiftyblackroses

    fiftyblackroses Newcomer Game Owner

    I found it through another site's affiliate section!
  14. ElusionRpStaff

    ElusionRpStaff Newcomer Game Owner

    I saw your button at the bottom of an Original Supernatural Rp site!
  15. Zina

    Zina Newcomer

    One of my fellow staff members mentioned it
  16. Pepper

    Pepper Newcomer

    I am a member the RPG Initiative and LOVE IT!!

    I was directed here by a game I just joined called Wit & Whitby...
  17. I'm here from the site Court of the Fallen!
  18. NascentRP

    NascentRP Newcomer

    Lots of hours doing RP research
  19. SunnyFlower

    SunnyFlower Fresh Blood

    Found y'all on someone's affiliates section! :)
  20. c.widow

    c.widow Newcomer Game Owner

    I've known about RPG Fix for years but never realized it was an actual community. My original thought is that it was a "top site" or "voting site" that game owners used to advertise.

    Up until today, I've never further investigated the site beyond a click here or there through the directory.

    Originally found this through affiliate buttons on multiple RPG's.
    Shriker likes this.
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